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[A-DX] 6090

 kam gerade über BDXC

An Amharic-speaker has translated the announcement that is being repeated on
the new 6090 station. It says the tests are from Amhara Regional State
radio. The following schedule is announced: 0300-0600, 0900-1100 and
1400-1700 GMT. I have confirmed these times to be correct.
It is announcing three frequencies: 6090, 7264 (sic) and 9740. I have only
heard 6090, which has good signal strength.
I've also heard the email address of AMMAwebmaster@xxxxxxxxx being announced
on 6090 (or it could be ammawebmaster@xxxxxxxxx).
The tests on 6090 are NOT in parallel with Amhara State radio which is heard
on the listed 801 MW.

I can hear a total of 11 SW transmitters from Ethiopia at present:
 -- 5990v/7110/9704 Radio Ethiopia National Service.
 -- 7165/9560v Radio Ethiopia External Service (and anti-Eritrea
 -- 6110/6890 Radio Fana (also heard on 1080 MW).
 -- 5950/5980 V. of Tigray Revolution (5980 is only heard for the early
morning transmission, closing at 0530). Note: 5950 is much stronger than
5980, but has telephone-quality audio, supporting the theory that 5980 is
from Mekele (where the studio is) but 5950 is from Addis Ababa.
 -- 6030 R.Oromia (also heard on 1035 MW).
 -- 6090 The new Amhara State radio.

There are also unidentified Ethiopian MW stations on 684 and 1044. These are
not in parallel with the National Service on 594/828/855/873/972.
Chris (listening in Siaya District, western Kenya)

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