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[A-DX] Indonesien-DX

  • Subject: [A-DX] Indonesien-DX
  • From: Christoph Ratzer <dx@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2008 23:23:52 +0100

Ende Oktober in Japan gehört, dh die könnten derzeit aktiv sein, die Empfangszeiten in Europa stimmen bei fast allen folgenden Logs hier natürlich nicht überein.

  2960 ( RPDT2-Manggarai ) : YL talk at 1200. Poor.
  3325 RRI-Palangkaraya : JN at 1200. Good.
  3345 RRI-Ternate : JN at 1200. Fair.
  3579 ( RSPK-Ngada ) : OM talk at 1201. Poor mod.
  3976 RRI-Pontianak : JN at 1200. Fair.
  3995 RRI-Kendari : JN at 1200. Poor.
  4750 RRI-Makassar : JN at 1200. QRM/Chinese.
  4790 RRI-Fak Fak : JN at 1200. Fair.
  4870 RRI-Wamena : JN at 1200. Fair.
  4925 RRI-Jambi : JN at 1200. Good signal, but Utilities QRM.
  9525 VOI : Indonesian at 1202. Good.

JN: Jakarta News.

Und ausnahmsweise als Werbung ein Auszug des aktuellen DX-Window, welches nur für Mitglieder des DSWCI erhältlich ist. Für 16 Euro im Jahr (dafür gibt es auch noch 10 Ausgaben der Shortwave-News) ein wirklich überlegenswertes Angebot: http://www.dswci.org

3325, RRI Palangkaraya, 1129-1145, Nov 15, talk program in Indonesian with short local popular song, 25332. I tried to receive this broadcast by AR-7030plus owened by Mr. Shiraishi, then the reception was better as 35443. (Kato). Also heard from about 2212-2229, Oct 30, nice songs, 2229 local ID, into local IS “Radio Republik Indonesia Palankaraya warta berita…” local news, weak but no interferences with 25533. (Schliephacke)

3976, RRI Pontianak (presumed), 1157-1215, Nov 15, short ann, 1200 news (presumably) in Indonesian, 25332. (Kato)

3995.03, RRI Kendari, 1436-1507*, Nov 01, SCI at 1458 and "Radio Republik Indonesia Kendari2", Jakarta news, 1507 National Anthem, fair signal but in the clear with 35533. (Schliephacke)

4750, RRI Makassar, 0953-1015, Nov 18, Qu'ran singing/praying until 0956, Indonesian comments and more Islamic type singing, 1014 comments. Signal was poor. (Bolland). Also heard at 1416 on Nov 17 with soft music. (Hauser) 4790.03, RRI Fak-Fak, 1416-1440, Nov 01 and 17, prolonged schedule with very nice songs as they usually play, very strong with some few interferences at times, 44533 up to 45533, RRI programa satu (one) Fak- Fak. (Hauser and Schliephacke)

9680, RRI Jakarta, 1109-1113, Nov 17, pop music, then lost in QRM. (Bolland)

Und hier noch ein paar DXplorer (US) Logs:

INDONESIA. 4750, RRI Makassar, 1135-1203
Nov 25, mx prgm until SCI, RRI ID and Jakarta nx
at 1200. Poor with CODAR QRM. (D'Angelo/FCDX-PA, DXplorer)

INDONESIA. 4749.97, RRI-Makassar, 1335 Nov
23, best signal on the band; pop mx prgm was S9
on peaks. (Strawman-IA, DXplorer)

INDONESIA. 4790.0, RRI-Fak Fak, 1332 Nov
23, fair-good pop mx prgm mixing with moderate CODAR. (Strawman-IA, DXplorer)

INDONESIA. 3987, RRI-Manokwari, 1350 Nov 9, poor signal of
pop ballads with ARO splatter and CW tones. (Strawman-IA, DXplorer)

INDONESIA. 3325, RRI-Palangkaraya,
1326-1340 Oct 28, droning indigenous vocal to
1330, then instr. mx bridge followed by talk in
Bahasa Indonesia. Tuned out at 1340. Fair signal. (Wilkins-CO, DXplorer)

INDONESIA. 3976, RRI-Pontianak, 1311 Oct
28, weak signal, but could distinguish between
speaking of M&W in ongoing discussion/nx. (Strawman-IA, DXplorer)

INDONESIA. 3987, RRI-Manokwari, 1300 Oct
28, clear fqy but signal weaker than
Pontianak. Kendari on 3995 at noise level. (Strawman-IA, DXplorer)

INDONESIA. 4790, presumed RRI-Fak Fak,
0833 Oct 23, best Indo evening by far; no ID
through ToH but M&W with good audio punch in
studio discussion and light mx. (Ward-ONT [in NZ], DXplorer)

INDONESIA. 7290, RRI-Nabire, fair at tune
in 0826 Oct 23 to hear Bagimu Negri anthem and a
quick ID, probably “. . . Nabire” but could (I
later realized) have been Serui. Audio then
abruptly cut. Not hrd other nights. (Ward-ONT [in NZ], DXplorer)

INDONESIA. 3986.98, RRI-Manokwari, 1226 Oct 26, pop mx pgm was
weak with heavy ARO interference; recheck at 1245 yielded much
stronger signal, with low-pitched man in extended comment.
(Strawman-IA, DXplorer)

INDONESIA. 3995, RRI-Kendari, 1247 Oct 26, weaker than
Manokwari, man in extended talk. Poor overall. (Stawman-IA, DXplorer

INDONESIA. 4750, RRI-Makassar, 1200+ Oct 26: Of the 60 m.b.
Indonesians, this one has proved to be the hardest this season. I
don't know why, since traditionally it has been the best of the
bunch. Sunday morning, however, it was the best, audible for the Jak
warta berita at 1200, retuned various times until about 1245. Very
quickly peaking fair-good arnd 1225 here in Wis., but with a
relatively short window of 10-12 mins. The season's usual best Indo.
bet, 4790-Fak Fak, was nearly as good as Makassar this a.m. Others
hrd also, but at poor level, 4870-Wamena and 4920-Biak. Local noise
made 90 m.b. useless, with the exception of Wewak, this
a.m. Overall, though, Oct 26 only a mediocre morning for Indos.
(Jensen-WI, DXplorer) 4749.96, 1228 Oct 26, pop mx with seemingly
ads and Indo, comment, pop mx through 1300 ToH. Best in LSB.
(Strawman-IA, DXplorer)

INDONESIA. 4790, RRI Fak-Fak, 2049 Oct 21, Lagu-lagu, heavy on
the bass; SCI once at 2100 and man in Indo. with boomy speech audio
typical of RRI relays. At 2103, hymn-sounding chorus, then talk by
different man, with noticeably lower audio, suggesting a return to
local prgmng; soon returned to mx. Some CODAR QRM, but almost fair
level at first, starting to weaken by 2110 and essentially gone by
2130 recheck. (Hill-MA, DXplorer)

INDONESIA. 4869.92, RRI-Wamena, 1302 Oct 26, pop mx pgm was
weaker than other 60 m. Indos. (Strawman-IA, DXplorer)

Viel Erfolg, Silken!

73 Christoph


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