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[A-DX] Syrien auch in Englisch im Internet.

  • Subject: [A-DX] Syrien auch in Englisch im Internet.
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2008 13:35:29 +0100

SYRIA   Radio Damascus English program is now also on the internet.

Hello radio friends,
Radio Damascus English program is now also on the internet. After a few
weeks of having the daily German language program online it is great to know
that from this week on you can also download the daily recording of the
English program.

The direct link to the daily recordings is:

Soon there will also be a link on the homepage of Syrian Radio & Television,
to the international foreign language services of Radio Damascus.

A nice tip: although the recording is in the Windows Media format, you can
convert it with a simple converter program to a MP3 file and put it on your
Ipod or other MP3 player to take Radio Damascus on the road.

I am using "Switch" for this purpose on a Mac OSX system.

They have a free version and a paid version with some extra's. It is very
nice to listen to Radio Damacus, when driving to work, in digital audio
quality on my car radio through my connected Iphone (or Ipod).

Radio Damascus Listeners Club :
(Kris Janssen-BEL, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 25)

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