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Re: AW: [A-DX] Log: VoTanzania Zanzibar 11735 kHz

  • Subject: Re: AW: [A-DX] Log: VoTanzania Zanzibar 11735 kHz
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2008 00:30:50 +0200

Hatten nicht Enzio und Guido immer berichtet, dass die Mitarbeiter keine
Englischkenntnisse haben, und nur Arabisch und Kisuaheli handeln. Oder war
es Gerhard Werdin aus Ratingen, der 3 Jahre in Dar es Salaam für die ITU /
Entwicklungshilfe werkelte.

Hier etwas zum Aufhellen:

Enzio hatte diese Mail im Juni 2005:

Nach s/off der VoA auf 11740 ist Zanzibar hier derzeit in
Ortssenderqualitaet zu empfangen. Da kommt richtig Nostalgie auf! Das
haben die Techniker rechtzeitig zum Makwa Kogwa-Fest hingekriegt, da wird
Ali Bakari seine Freude haben!

Ob wohl noch ein paar von Guido Schotman's QSL-Karten uebriggeblieben
sind? Jetzt waere die Gelegenheit, das herauszufinden. Khalid Hassan hat
nach meinem Besuch 1999 eine ganze Masse QSL's verschickt. Hier nochmal
die Anschrift fuer diejenigen, die damals keine Bestaetigung erhielten:

Khalid Hassan Rajab, Head of Shortwave Radio Transmitter, Voice of
Tanzania Zanzibar, P.O.Box 1178, Zanzibar, Tanzania
Bitte ans Rueckporto denken!
(Enzio Gehrig-ESP, A-DX)

Und diese Mail im März 2001:
In spring of 1998, Belgian DXer Guido Schotmans designed a QSL card for
Zanzibar, printed 100 copies and donated them to the station.

In 1999, Spanish DXer Enzio Gehrig had a five-day visit to Zanzibar.
Certainly, he visited its main radio station. Talking to its employees,
Enzio realised why they respond to RRs so rarely. It's because Ali Bakari
Muombwa, the person responsible for incoming mail, cannot read in English
well enough. He has to ask other people to translate listeners' reports
into Swahili, and that causes delays and other problems.

On the contrary, Khalid Hassan Rajab, SW tx chief, speaks English very
well. (He has a training course in the US). Many DXers recommend to
address letters to Mr.Rajab personally, but there's no 100 percent reply
guarantee - writing responses is not his job at all.

Nevertheless, Enzio was content with results of his trip. He especially
mentioned that all people he met there were very friendly and hospitable.
When Enzio realized that people at the station are not aware of how to
deal with QSL cards donated by Guido, he explained them all details of
QSLing technique. In his turn, Mr.Rajab promised that all correct reports
would be confirmed with that card.

Giovanni d'Amico, from Switzerland, was the first DXer who reported in
hcdx about the verification written on this card. It was in March 2000.

But DXers community still considers Sauti Ya Tanzania Zanzibar as a hard-
to-QSL station. Acc to various sources, some people received that colorful
QSL for their reports, while others had to be satisfied with nothing more
than an official form confirmation letter.

A kind of lottery ?  (Dmitri Mezin-RUS, SIGNAL Mar 3, 2001)

11734, RTZ, full-data "Sauti Ya Tanzania Zanzibar" form ltr with stn
stamp, in 3 wks. for taped rpt, SAE and IRC, V/S illegible but appears to
be A. M. Said; this after several rpts in proper Kiswahili to P.O.Box
1178. This En rpt was hand-delivered to the stn by a friend's brother who
lives in Zanzibar Town. Reply postmarked "Zanzibar" with 800 cents
Tanzanian postage. (Talbot-ALB, hcdx via NU Feb 4, 2001)

TANZANIA/ZANZIBAR   It was me [who designed and printed QSLs for RTZ]. I
sent 100 pieces to Zanzibar in the spring of 98. But there are only very
few DXers that have received one of those QSLs. Enzio Gehrig made a trip
to Zanzibar about a year ago and he assured me that there is still a stock
of those QSLs. It looks like they are using the QSLs for special
occasions. And there is one big problem with reception reports. Almost
nobody speaks English at RTZ. Somebody not in service at RTZ is
translating reports into Swahili, and that takes time and a lot of
trouble. So be patient. You can also try to write in Swahili. Maybe you
can find a contact on the net that will translate your report.
(Guido Schotmans-BEL, hcdx via DXLD, Jan 2, 2001)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Enzio Gehrig" <spain-dx@xxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2008 10:51 PM
Subject: Re: AW: [A-DX] Log: VoTanzania Zanzibar 11735 kHz

Mein Bericht vom 1.1.96 wurde handschriftlich bestätigt und
zurückgesandt. V/s Khalid H. Rasab.
Zugegebenermaßen war das nicht "in den letzten Jahren".

da hat der gute Khalid ja sogar noch vor meinem Besuch beim
Sender bestätigt, was die QSL noch wertvoller macht  ;-)

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