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AW: [A-DX] Vanuatu

  • Subject: AW: [A-DX] Vanuatu
  • From: "Ingo Hell" <ingo.hell@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2008 13:32:20 +0200

Dazu als Ergänzung nachfolgende Meldung von David Ricquish - hcdx,

73, Ingo

Vanuatu on 7260

VTBC Port Vila is currently using a low power modified amateur radio
transmitter to broadcast weak signals on 7260 kHz. Reception has been
monitored of Pacific style music in the past day or so. 

The new 10kW shortwave transmitters are still enroute to Vanuatu.
Delivery has been delayed for a variety of reasons, including
difficulties obtaining freight space on cargo ships visiting Vila. 

An RNZI technician has just returned from Vila where preparation work
has been underway for installation of the two new DRM/analog
transmitters later this year.

The frequency of 7260 is one of several registered for VTBC for the
new service and the current broadcasts appear to be a prelude to the
full service starting as soon as the new transmitters are installed.

David Ricquish
Radio Heritage Foundation

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