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[A-DX] WTRL: Radio NZ International Future Special Program / 60th anniversary QSL postcard

  • Subject: [A-DX] WTRL: Radio NZ International Future Special Program / 60th anniversary QSL postcard
  • From: Tom DF5JL <df5jl@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2008 08:49:36 +0200

Listen to Mailbox on RNZI on Monday, September 29 as David Ricquish
of the Radio Heritage Foundation hosts a very special documentary
taking a look at the future of RNZI shortwave radio services to the

In this 40 minute program, you'll hear how RNZI has moved over the
years to become the Voice of the Pacific, increasingly reflecting the
voices and cultures of the islands from French Polynesia in the east
across to Papua New Guinea in the west.

You'll hear more about this growth in Pacific news and current
affairs programs, technical assistance for local stations and
expanded coverage since the new digital [DRM] transmitter came into
service, and how partnerships with Radio Australia, the BBC and a
global monitoring network continually extend the reach of the station.

The documentary is the third in a series being broadcast this month
to celebrate 60 years of shortwave broadcasts to Australia and the
Pacific since September 27, 1948.

The full 40 minute version of this special Mailbox program is aired
on Monday, September 29, followed later in the day by a 19 minute
shortened part one version. The next day, there are repeats of part
one, and of the additional 19 minute shortened part two version.

Visit www.rnzi.com for shortwave frequencies and times and to
download audio on demand options for these three different versions
available from September 29. Remember New Zealand moves its clocks
forward one hour for Daylight Savings time on September 28 2008.

Listeners who send written reception reports to RNZI from September
27 can also receive a special souvenir 60th anniversary QSL postcard
to confirm their reception. Details for sending written reception
reports are at www.rnzi.com.

As well, you can still download and hear the two earlier Mailbox
documentaries from September 1 and 15 that cover the early days of
shortwave radio from New Zealand as well as the unique voices of the
station since 1948. These are also at www.rnzi.com.

For more information about early radio broadcasting in the Pacific,
featuring exclusive stories, images and memories including the
popular 'Art of Radio Hawaii' online art exhibition, visit
www.radioheritage.net today.



MW/KW-RX: Lowe HF150, Sony ICF 7600D, Roadstar TRA-2350P, (baugl. Redsun RP2100), GD82 NF-Filter +++ DRM-RX: SDR TenTec RX-320D / PAØRTD Miniwhip-Aktivantenne +++ WLAN-RX: IPdio (TMC) an DSL 2000 (T-Online) +++ ANT: aperiodische 7-m-Vertikal / AMA-Magnetloop 3,3 - 22 MHz +++ QTH: 53881 Euskirchen-Schweinheim - 224 m über NN / LON (E) 06°52`07`` - LAT (N) 50°36`47`` +++ WWW: radioskala.blogspot.com / skype: tom_df5jl / 25976@echolink / qsonet 14.200
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