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[A-DX] Afrikarunde

hallo zusammen,

hatte etwas Zeit in den letzten tagen, daher die etwas längere ausführung
unten, aber nur in englisch, da das wetter keine lust auf übersetzung macht.
exklusiv für euch alle dazu eine portion anderer senf, alle observationen aus
elmstein in der pfalz.

GABUN: Dienstag und Mittwoch schienen 4777, 15475 und 17630 zu schweigen, nur
9580 war hörbar.

NIGERIA: Gestern gab es mal wieder vernünftige Modulation auf 15120.

unid 5050: anscheinend nicht dort um 1700. Ich habe ein, zwei ideen, die ich
heute abend prüfen werde. (Sucht doch mal ne passende //-Frequenz!)




Tried to monitor all ERI/ETH frequencies systematically in the afternoon, the
following is somewhat a condensed report giving an image of the situation in
the last one or two weeks in the period between 1600 and 1800:

R. Ethiopia: In addition to the usual frequencies 7115 has been observed on
several days roughly between 1630 and 1730 in addition to // 5990/7110, but
presumably about 1 second delayed.

Noise Jammer: There are up to two noise jammers mainly switching channel by 
channel between 7100 and 7120, but also occasionally on 7175, 7220 or 8000.

VoBME 1: 7100 on air, but very irregular, and no channel figured out which is
regularly replacing this one. Observing the pattern of jamming + R. Ethiopia
bc, it's likely that also ERI is also around there.

VoBME 2: 7175 on air, but very irregular, but often 7220 is on with most
certainly news in Arabic + FM freq. announcements at 1700. When last heard 7175
ERI until 1700, 7220 came up a few minutes after. So probably 7220 is the
standard alternative freq. to 7175 if jammed there.

UNID 8000: This one, presumed the same as reported as unid or ERI at 0400-0559
also, is on air regularly 1500/1600-1700* and occasionally *1710-1730*. No ID,
IS or anything like that, afternoons likely not // to any of the others. Also
no more observations of presumed ERI 7999.4.

Presumed R. Oromia 6030: monitored once with instrumental IS-type music at 1557,
than into "typical HOA style" programming until at least 1630.

VOTR: usually strong on 5950 and irregularly // weak 6170

R. Fana: 6110 often audible, but 7210 hardly.

R. Bana: 5100 audible, but usually very weak until 1800, but no jamming



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