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[A-DX] Media Broadcast expands email contacts for QSLing

  • Subject: [A-DX] Media Broadcast expands email contacts for QSLing
  • From: "Paul Gager" <aon.913879759@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2008 17:31:11 +0200

Vielleicht von Interesse und noch unbekannt?

http://mt-shortwave.blogspot. com/

Sunday, June 29, 2008
Media Broadcast expands email contacts for QSLing

Hobbyist corresponding with Media Broadcast, (formerly known as DTK-T
Systems) now have an expanded list of email addresses for sending reception

Please send future reception reports to the following contacts:

Walter Brodowsky - Walter.Brodowsky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Behling, Volker - Volker.Behling@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Puetz, Michael - Michael.Puetz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Gawol, Sabine - Sabine.Gawol@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Also, we have a mailbox now especially for incoming reception reports.


Your future reception reports are still highly appreciated.
(Source: Walter Brodowsky)

List of Broadcasters which are using Media Broadcast technical equipment

Adventist World Radio
Broadcasting Center Europe S.A.
Christliche Wissenschaft
Deutsche Telekom
Democratic Voice of Burma
Ethiopeans For Democracy
Evangelische Missions Gemeinden in Deutschland
Feba Radio UK
Gospel For Asia
Voice of the Andes
Hamburger Lokalradio
Hrvratska Radio Televizija
International Broadcast Bureau
IBRA Radio Sweden
Lutheran World Federation (* new)
Missionswerk Arche
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Baltic Radio
Nippon Hoso Kyokai
Pan Am Broadcasting
Polish Radio Warsaw
Radio Huriyo (Xoriyo)
Radio Miami International
Radio Netherlands World Service
Radio Reveil Paroles de Vie
Radio Traumland (Belgien)
Radio Waaberi (Somalia)
Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo
The Overcomer Broadcast
Trans World Radio
Voice of Russia
World Radio Network
WYFR Family Radio

Website: http://www.media-broadcast. com/


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