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Re: [A-DX] National Conference for Media Reform 2008

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] National Conference for Media Reform 2008
  • From: Juergen Fenn <juergen.fenn@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 00:31:44 +0200

Noch ein Hinweis: auf die Rede von Bill Moyers nämlich, der sich auf der erwähnten Tagung vergangenes Wochenende kritisch mit der Zukunft des Journalismus zwischen Kommerz und Politik auseinandersetzte, nicht nur in den USA.


Podcast und Abschrift der Rede auf:

Ein Auszug:

"Advertisers have already aggressively seized the new online world to go back into the programming business themselves, creating what’s called branded content. Imagine the Camel News Caravan revived, but this time online as a sponsored YouTube channel. Already, newspapers and magazines, and soon television, are encouraged to sell keywords to advertisers in the online versions of stories. Can you imagine advertisers going for stories with keywords such as “healthcare reform,” “environmental degradation,” “Iraqi casualties,” “contracting fraud” or “K Street lobbyists”? I don’t think so.

So what will happen to news in the future, as the already tattered boundaries between journalism and advertising is dispensed with entirely and as content programming, commerce and online communities are rolled into one profitably attractive package? Last year, the investment firm of Piper Jaffray predicted that much of the business model for new media would be just that kind of hybrid. They called it “communitainment.” “Communitainment.” O, George Orwell, where are you now that we need you?"


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