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[A-DX] Myanmar um 2300 UT ?

  • Subject: [A-DX] Myanmar um 2300 UT ?
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 21:15:39 +0200

Endlich mal was Neues auf Kurzwelle.

Vielleicht schon a bisserl' spät, ab 2300 UT aus Myanmar auf verschiedenen
Frequenzen gehört. 5815, 5915 und auch exact 5985.00, an anderen Tagen
wieder die krumme 5985.8 Frequenz.

Lieferant? - womit wir wieder bei China sind - ?

MYANMAR  5985.8 Myanmar 2342 with talks in Bamar (unsure due to low signal)
followed by music. New tune in 0000 with music Liangas April 18.
(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Apr 23)

I received Myanma R. on 5985.00 kHz (just on nom. freq) at 1250-1600 UT
(KOed by CRI-Swahili) of Apr. 21. Followed English ID of a female at 1530 UT
and became English service.

Audio file by Sei-ichi Yamamori on Apr. 23 at 1529 UT:
(Sei-ichi Hasegawa-JPN, NDXC HQ Apr 25)

On April 19, I heard a station on 5985.0 from 1416-1435 UT, with EZL pop
songs, in an Asian language with poor reception, due to adjacent splatter.
Had first thought the language was right for Myanma Radio, but then they did
not change over to English as they normally do at 1430, so thought I must be
wrong, but thanks to Sei-ichi Hasegawa observations, it really was them with
a new schedule for their English programming (starts at 1530 UT).

There was no sign of anything on the usual 5985.83. Have not checked on this
again, as every day I have been involved in monitoring the activity of Lao
National Radio on 6130, checking what was actually heard against their
website schedule.
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, DXplorer Apr 25)

I'm hearing a Burmese (may be Kachin or Karen) program at 0000-0130 UT with
lots of music and also at 1230-1500 UT (s/on, s/off time may vary). In the
morning it is causing severe cochannel to Vatican Radio to So.Asia at 0025
UT onwards till 0130 UT.
(Alok Dasgupta-IND, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Apr 26)

Lately I am hearing Myanmar on 5915 from around 2300 to past 1500 UT, often
\\ to 5985. On the first day, about one week back, for some time I got them
on 5815 kHz also. 2300-0000 China & 0040-0200 Vatican co channel. Looks like
new channel.
(Jose Jacob-IND, dxld April 28)

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