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[A-DX] KTWR feiert 30.

Vielleicht hat ja wer Lust mitzufeiern. "Die Öffentlichkeit ist willkommen".

Quelle: RN Medianetwork:

KTWR to celebrate 30th anniversary
March 31st, 2008 - 13:06 UTC by Andy

Shortwave radio station KTWR in Agana, Guam will hold its 30th anniversary celebration with a fiesta at the station from 3 to 5 pm on 12 April. On 13 April, author and international Christian speaker Woodrow Kroll will speak. His “Back to the Bible” broadcasts are heard daily on about 1,000 radio stations in the US and another 100 stations in Canada.

KTWR  broadcasts to Asia and the South Pacific and in more than 70 countries. The public is welcome on these days.

(Source: Pacific Daily News)
Rudolf Sonntag

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