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[A-DX] VRT schliesst einige Mittelwellensender

  • Subject: [A-DX] VRT schliesst einige Mittelwellensender
  • From: Juergen Fenn <juergen.fenn@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 02 Mar 2008 21:45:09 +0100

VRT plans to close all but one of its mediumwave transmitters

The Flemish Government has accepted the proposal of the Flemish Radio and Television (VRT) to close its analogue mediumwave broadcasts on 540, 1188kHz and 1512 kHz. That will leave VRT with just one mediumwave frequency, 927 kHz. The decision has been forwarded to the Council of State.

(Source: Flemish Government press release via David de Jong)

Andy Sennitt comments: The decision to discontinue 1512 kHz will affect expats in neighbouring countries who use this frequency to listen to Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal. RNW listeners will recall that we also used this transmitter for our English service in the late evening for a number of years.

73, Jürgen.

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