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[A-DX] HAARP bedankt sich

  • Subject: [A-DX] HAARP bedankt sich
  • From: Christoph Ratzer <dx@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 23:28:35 +0100

Thank you for your participation in the HAARP-LWA Moon Bounce
experiments of 19 and 20 January 2008.  We have received over 1500
reports from amateur radio hams throughout the USA and other
countries, including Sweden, Finland, Czech Republic, Italy, Russia,
Ukraine, Argentina, Australia, Marshall Islands, Hawaii, and Japan. We
apologize if we have not listed your country; we have not yet been
able to review all reports. These reports will help us to understand
the propagation characteristics of the HAARP skywave and lunar
echoes. As we review your reports we plan to post on the HAARP website
further information learned from these experiments.

If you would like a QSL card confirmation of your reception, please
send us your card with the reception details to our address:

HAARP Research Facility
Milepost 11.3, PO Box 271
Gakona, AK 99586

73 Christoph


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