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[A-DX] Sondersendung: Langwelle Pinneberg

  • Subject: [A-DX] Sondersendung: Langwelle Pinneberg
  • From: "D. Name auf Wunsch gelöscht" <douglas.kaehler@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 6 Dec 2009 14:47:14 +0100

Hatten wir das schon?
Morsesondersendung am 9.12.2009 über den Langwellensender Pinneberg auf
147,3 kHz um 23.00-01.00 UTC.

There will be a special broadcast from DDH47 on 147.3 kHz in December:
On 10th of December 1909 Prof. F. Braun and G. Marconi received the Nobel
Prize for Physics at Stockholm. Both gentlemen were honoured for their
developments in the field of wireless communication.
On its 100th anniversary, Prof. Braun Day (DL0PFB) will make a special
transmission with the longwave transmitter DDH47 (147,3 kHz) of National
Weather Service Deutscher Wetterdienst.
>>From 9th December 2009 23:00 until 10th December 2009 01:00 UTC the
transmitter is available for 2 hours in telegraphy.
All people are invited to listen to the telegraphic transmissions of DDH47
and radio amateurs may contact DL0PFB on shortwave in cw only. DL0PFB
answers to calls on the declared frequencies and keys DDH47 sometimes in
During silence periods (h+15-18 and h+45-48) of former maritime radio
service, there is ultra slow keying ( 1 dot in 3 seconds ) for long distance
tests. The names of famous wireless pioneers will be keyed in that time for
proof of reception!

Prof. Braun Day issues a special QSL card, contacts are exchanged via DARC
Bureau or direct, when circumstances allow: 
(Deutschland SASE, Europe postage 2 US Dollars, overseas postage 4 US
Dollars, No IRC)
Contact: Prof. Braun Day, c/o J. Gerpott, Rebhuhnweg 21, 22880 Wedel,
When: 9. Dezember 2009, 2300 UTC until 10. Dezember 2009, 0100 UTC.
Transmit : DDH47 147,3 kHz und DL0PFB : (3565, 7025, 14052 kHz +/- qrm),
Receive : DL0PFB only shortwave, see above
QRS3 : hourly +15 to +18, and +45 to +48, ulta slow keying 1 Dot in 3
Reception reports are welcome, especially from overseas!
Internet: http://www.mmqtc-award.org
Alan Gale via Steve Whitt, mwcircle yg (7/11-2009) 

DDH47 drückt auf manch schwachbrüstigem Empfänger hier sogar den Donebach
153 kHz weg. 
Weitere Informationen vom DWD gibt es unter

_dwdwww_spezielle_nutzer_schiffffahrt_funk&activePage=> und dort auch in der
rechten Spalte.

Guten Empfang wünsche ich.


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