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[A-DX] Geräte - da tränen die Augen ...

  • Subject: [A-DX] Geräte - da tränen die Augen ...
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2009 11:58:39 +0100

You have to check out all his pictures at


George Ulm, W9EVT was born in the Free City of Danzig in 1930. In the
mid-1930s he moved to Chicago with his family. After W.W.II, he produced
some of the first convention exhibits for the Radio Parts Show in the Windy
City. His business later expanded to world's fairs and conventions such as
the CES in Las Vegas and Chicago. George is a Korean Conflict veteran,
taught electronics in the Navy Air Corps, developed and put on air the first
two meter amateur repeaters in the mid west.

George has lived in Mexico, Europe, Africa and Australia with ham calls
associated with each part of the world. In the early 1960s he purchased an
apple and cherry farm on Washington Island, WI. At retirement he decided to
raise antennas on the property instead of fruit. He lives there year round
with his wife, Susan, his dogs, Ivan and Bosun and a very talkative African
Gray Parrot, B.B.

Fantastic Estate web page at:

(Thomas Nilsson, ed., SW Bulletin Nov 29 via dxld)

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