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[A-DX] FW: [DRM-L] First U.S. Owner of UniWave -- Don't waste your time or money on this piece of Chinese Garbage

  • Subject: [A-DX] FW: [DRM-L] First U.S. Owner of UniWave -- Don't waste your time or money on this piece of Chinese Garbage
  • From: Thomas Kamp <df5jl@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2009 12:26:44 +0100

Liebe Freunde des gepflegten DRM-Empfangs,

die beigefügte Mail lässt nur einen logischen Schluss zu: das wars dann mit DRM. Die Gerätehersteller scheinen kein Interesse zu haben, ein gutes Konzept entsprechend mit einem für halbwegs gescheite Menschen nachvollziehbar zu bedienendem Frontend auszustatten. Sangean, Sony, Kaito u.a. zeigen, das für relativ kleines Geld passable Empfänger für MW/KW/FM zu bauen sind. Diese mit einem seperaten DRM-Demodulator zu versehen, d.h. dessen Input auf der (in Filterstellung breit) AM-ZF arbeitet (oder mal schief ausgedrückt: "Hybrid-Dreifachsuper-Prinzip"), diese Idee wird scheinbar nicht verfolgt. Stattdessen scheint man nur noch das 1-Chip-Modell umsetzen zu wollen - als eierlegenden Wollmilch(sau)-Chip. Das technisch Machbare steht damit über dem nach menschlichem Ermessen massvoll Bedienbaren. Economics kill ergonomics :)

Oder wie Frederic es sagt: "Don't waste your time or money on this piece of Chinese Garbage".

Allen einen schönen 1. Advent

tom df5jl


> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: "Fredric J. Einstein" <byungjaykim@xxxxxxxxx>
> Gesendet: 29.11.09 01:01:05
> An: <DRM-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Betreff: [DRM-L] First U.S. Owner of UniWave -- Don't waste your time or money on this piece of Chinese Garbage

> I have purchased a UniWave from the Australian dealer (Michael Cratt 
> at
> AvComm). I received the radio on Nov. 28th in good condition. Michael
> shipped it Nov 23rd, so it took less than 5 days to receive it here 
> in Ohio.
> The cost was about $500 USD including shipping. It was an insane 
> purchase,
> but I love DRM and I'm kind of an early adopter of stuff, so it was 
> worth it
> to me. 
> So far, the radio is a huge disapointment. DRM reception is okay.
> AM/FM/Shortwave reception is horrid!
> 1) DRM reception is okay. I heard the tail-end of the Vatican Radio
> transmission on 9800 from Sackville(actually, only "Chistus Vincent" -
> - the
> interval signal), but the UniWave captured and received the signal 
> very well
> from 2125 UTC. The RCI broadcast starting at 2200 on 9800 came in very
> well.
> 2) Ergonomically, the thing is a nightmare. You must enter the 
> shortwave
> frequency in kHz or scan. There's no "tuning".
> 3) AM sensitivity is terrible. It barely captures WLW 700 kHz from 30 
> miles
> away. 
> 4) Shortwave sensitivity is acceptable. Shortwave is a different "
> mode"
> than DRM. You can't just "tune" shortwave and then go into DRM mode. 
> You
> have to "search".
> 5) Battery life is TERRIBLE!
> 6) Don't waste your time or money on this Chinese piece of garbage. 
> It's a
> lousy AM/FM/Shortwave receiver and only a halfway decent DRM receiver.
> If
> it were able to TUNE shortwave and then go into DRM mode it would be 
> okay,
> but it can do neither. 
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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