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Re: [A-DX] 7540 khz Voice of Mesopotamia

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] 7540 khz Voice of Mesopotamia
  • From: Patrick Robic <patrick.robic@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 21:30:25 +0100

Felix Name auf Wunsch gelöscht schrieb:

Laut <http://www.geocities.jp/binewsjp/bib09.txt> via Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
(wieso wird der Standort im WRTH eigentlich mit "SMF" abgekürzt?)

aus DXLD 3-170:

** UKRAINE [and non]. Re: Thanks for the reminder; well, why do the Ukrainians and Bulgarians keep using ``SMF``?? I was explaining what the letters stand for (gh)

Well, this is a long story. I think there is nothing to say against the use of the code "SMF", my point was that it should not be "translated" with "Simferopol" (but "Kopani" resp. "Mykolaiv"). Observer is using "SMF" because "SMF" is the code that the HFCC frequency list shows. I am not sure what you mean with "the Ukrainians". As far as I can recall, Radio Ukraine International (e.g. in the person of Alexander Egorov) does not use the term "Simferopol" in its schedules but "Mykolaiv".

The site Kopani is located 300 kilometers NW of Simferopol, some 10 kilometers SE of Mykolaiv, which I think does make a difference for DXers that would like to look it up on the map.

The code "SMF" was registered with the HFCC/ITU during Soviet times when the transmitter locations were top secret and the Soviet authorities tried their best to disguise them. The code was not changed by the Ukrainian authorities after the country's independence. RUI itself does not have own transmitters, it leases them from RRT, the national Ukrainian transmitter network operator, and it is not RUI that is coordinating SW frequencies at the HFCC conferences, but RRT. Apparently, RRT does not see a reason to change the code.

In fact, only few administrations bother to update the codes that are in the HFCC reference table "Global HF Transmitter Sites" (esp. if it comes to deleting dismantled sites). One that did was India which some few years ago replaced its "British" place names with the new official Indian orthography. As for HF sites in the successor states of the former USSR: since the mid-1990s the WRTH is listing the correct names and exact coördinates that are based on the actual transmitter location rather than "external registrations" with he HFCC or ITU. The site Kopani was first published already almost 10 years ago in WRTH1994. Later these details were published also on the Transmitter Documentation Project website (based on the same sources as WRTH): see http://www.tdp.info/ukr.html for UKR and also other ex-USSR states (though the ex-USSR section was not much updated in recent years, more details have been established or confirmed since then). (Bernd Trutenau, Lithuania, Sept 22, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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