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[A-DX] Der Grund f. RADIO JOYSTICKs Ausfall

  • Subject: [A-DX] Der Grund f. RADIO JOYSTICKs Ausfall
  • From: jhofstadt@xxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 07 Nov 2009 11:45:27 +0100

Exclusiv fuer alle A-DX-Leser:

IRRS had a technical problem in the digital audio link to the station and one other problem in the studio in Milano. 
One of the RAID disks failed in Milano, the system did not recover on time, so RADIO JOYSTICKs audio file was skipped and backup was played instead. Two problems at the same time!

Repeat of RADIO JOYSTICKs show next Saturday Nov. 14 from 100-1100 CET on 9510.

[RAID = Reihe verbundener Computerfestplatten]
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