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[A-DX] Fw: [dxld] Digital Radio Dims - Same debate, same outcome

  • Subject: [A-DX] Fw: [dxld] Digital Radio Dims - Same debate, same outcome
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2009 12:24:40 +0200

Die Bürokraten schliessen weitere Kurzwellenstationen.
Prag ist am 7. Jan. 2010 dran.

Cut, cut, cut

Radio Prague, the Czech international broadcasting service, may relinquish
short-wave for the internet. The Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which
funds Radio Prague, wants the budget cut by 20%, says IDNES.cz (October 16).
A Radio Prague spokesperson confirmed receiving a letter from the Ministry,
with a suggested cut off date of January 7, 2010.

Several international broadcasters of modest means - nonetheless well
respected - have abandoned short-wave broadcasting for other means. A few
years ago Swiss Radio International (SRI) dropped its short-wave services
and morphed into Swissinfo on the Web. High transmission costs and questions
about listener impact were cited. (JMH)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike Terry" Sent: Saturday, October 24, 2009 9:49 AM
Subject: [dxld] Digital Radio Dims - Same debate, same outcome

ftm Radio Page
October 24, 2009

Broadcasting luminaries gathered in Paris hoping to light the digital
future. Another delay was announced. Big broadcasters are looking for a
cost alternative.

Speaking at the Siel-Satis-La Radio expo (October 21) broadcasters,
expressed support for radio - at least in concept - as if the medium might
soon pass into the darkness of buggy whips and printing presses. CBC /
Canada vice-president of French services Sylvain Lafrance spoke of
convergence, strong brands - radio, TV and internet - each being unique
the difficulty for those in one medium to make the switch to converged

Without question, the main discussion point - again - was digital radio.
Digital radio was set to 'launch' before the end of the year, dozens of
channels being authorized last May for major French cities. Regulator CSA
has pushed back the big day until mid-2010. (More on digital radio here
http://followthemedia.com/hottopics/DABdigitalradio.htm?PHPSESSID=9883ee4dcb93122772d8c98f2e937492 )

Two arguments prevailed; analogue shut-off and standards. Under rules
adopted earlier this year, radio receivers in new automobiles must have
digital capability by 2013 and all receivers sold must include that
radio chip by 2015. Citing differences between digital TV and digital
most broadcasters hesitated calling for hard dates for analogue shut-off.

The French adopted the T-DMB standard for digital radio but kept open the
possibility of competing standards like DRM, the digital standard for
wave transmission. Other European countries have a different set of
standards - DAB and DAB+. Still in the grand debate is whether or not
can support a digital radio standard different from the rest of Europe.

Digital radio proponents, frustrated, talked of simply getting on with it
out of fear of being left behind.  "Habits are changing," plead digital
radio developer Joêl Pons. "It is a necessity. It will serve the public.
Radio must remain a major media, closer to people (and) must be consistent
with modern technology."

Major commercial broadcasters have become even more hesitant. Representing
the major commercial network operators, Bureau de la Radio president
Cacouault talked about the bottom line. Broadcasters revenue is down 18%,
said, and the cost of broadcasting in both T-DMB and FM for an extended
period would cost each broadcaster between Euro2 million and Euro 4
a year. Quieting the crowd, he said a less expensive digital alternative
must be found.



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