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[A-DX] Radio Prag will Ende 2009 KW abschalten

  • Subject: [A-DX] Radio Prag will Ende 2009 KW abschalten
  • From: "D. Name auf Wunsch gelöscht" <douglas.kaehler@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 19:41:16 +0200

Dear Friends of Radio Prague,  

You are probably not yet aware that the future of Radio Prague ? the
international service of Czech Radio ? is under serious threat.  The station
began shortwave broadcasts in 1936 and, with the exception of the period of
the wartime German occupation, has been broadcasting to the world ever
since.  Like most international public service broadcasters, Radio Prague is
state financed.  It is paid for through the state budget, via the Czech
Ministry of Foreign Affairs.   

Radio Prague is facing a 20% cut in its budget for 2010.   

At first glance, this figure does not seem like a mortal blow, but its
impact will be devastating.  The Foreign Ministry has stated explicitly that
it considers shortwave to be an anachronistic means of broadcasting and has
called on Radio Prague to terminate its shortwave broadcasts entirely from
January 2010.  As a result the transmitter in Litomysl (east of Prague),
will almost certainly be dismantled.  Radio Prague will continue primarily
as a website.   

The saving to the state budget will be tiny.  In order to save around half a
million euro, Radio Prague will end as a shortwave broadcaster after more
than 70 years.   

In the course of my time as a BBC correspondent and than as editor-in-chief
at Radio Prague (until 2006), when I was also active in the European
Broadcasting Union, I followed developments in international broadcasting
closely.  During that period a number of international broadcasters
abandoned their roots in radio ? nearly always at the bidding of bureaucrats
rather than those involved in the stations themselves.  Almost without
exception the outcome, sooner or later, was the demise of the station

There are several reasons for this.  One helpful parallel is to compare the
position with that of a newspaper with a long and rich tradition, which
stops appearing in paper form, and maintains only a web presence.  Although
the worldwide trend towards digitalization is clear, this does not mean that
it is wise to throw out overnight all the advantages of producing a
"traditional" newspaper.  In the case of radio, the risks are still more
evident, because public service broadcasting is a very specific medium with
a distinct tradition and audience, and at its core is the spoken word.   

In the seven decades of its existence, Radio Prague has built up a huge base
of know-how and an impressive reputation internationally: Its role in the
events of 1968, when Radio Prague journalists defied the Soviet-led invasion
of Czechoslovakia is legendary.  Radio Prague has built on this tradition in
the two decades since the fall of communism, transforming itself into a
thriving modern broadcaster.  There can be little doubt that it has a far
larger audience than any other Czech radio station, but unfortunately these
listeners are scattered around the world and do not form a strong domestic

Shortwave broadcasts are in decline, but they have to be seen as part of a
broader mosaic.  Today's international broadcasters have long been aware of
the need to broadcast on a number of different platforms: shortwave, medium
wave, FM, satellite, internet and others.  The more forward-looking among
them have learned to be flexible and innovatory.  In this respect, the
modern transformation at Radio Prague began over fifteen years ago when it
was one of the first international broadcasters to set up its own website.
That was back in 1994. This was quickly followed by its daily email news
service and other innovations, including its enthusiastic commitment to
satellite broadcasting.  At the same time it has modernized the way that
radio is produced; its journalists today take it for granted that they are
working in a multi-media environment, where the spoken word is reinforced by
text and image.    

And Radio Prague has learnt to be extremely cost effective, broadcasting
around the world in six languages for the equivalent of less than three
million euro a year.   

In order for this to continue, it is absolutely crucial for Radio Prague not
to forget its core activity.  The station's current success is built on its
status and tradition as a radio broadcaster.  If it forgets its identity as
radio, it will inevitably lose its way, desperately trying to compete in a
field that is not its own. 

The news of the latest cuts puts the staff and management of Radio Prague in
a difficult position.  It will not be easy for them to launch a campaign to
save the shortwave broadcasts, as they could find themselves facing the
alternative of having to cut jobs instead.  Given that the amount of money
needed to save the shortwave broadcasts is so small, I am convinced that the
cause is worth fighting for and that it does not have to be a case of
pitching jobs against shortwave.  If the decision-makers in the government
and at the ministry can be made to understand what is at stake, I am sure
that the money can be found.   

That is why I am writing this letter ? to encourage listeners around the
world to rally behind Radio Prague at this difficult time.   

With warmest regards 

David Vaughan

Radio Prague needs to get listeners support at this time. Their address is:

Radio Prague
Vinohradská 12
120 99 Prague 2
Czech Republic

Tel: (+420) 221 552 933
Fax: (+420) 221 552 903
E-mail: cr@xxxxxxxx

Listeners should also contact The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech
Ministerstvo zahrani&#269;ních v&#283;cí
Loretánské nám&#283;stí 5
118 00 Praha 1, the Czech Republic
tel: +420 224 181 111
e-mail: podatelna@xxxxxx

Listeners should contact the Czech Embassies and representatives in their
own country.
A List of Czech Embassies can be found at


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