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[A-DX] FRSH - More tests next Sunday

  • Subject: [A-DX] FRSH - More tests next Sunday
  • From: Nixraff@xxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 09 Oct 2009 14:03:22 +0200


...frische Info von Peter Verbruggen... vielleicht diesmal ein bissl lauter als letztes Wochenende... da kam ausser den angekündigten Frequenzen zwischendurch um 1100 UTC auch noch 'ne Promo Aussendung auf der 6261 kHz...

LG, Steff

From: FRS-Holland [mailto:frs.holland@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 12:14 PM
To: FRS-Holland
Subject: More tests next Sunday

Dear FRS Friends,

New tests upcoming Sunday
Last week we announced tests within 39 metres for Sunday October 4th and 11th. Last Sunday the first tests went out
on 7600 kHz (08.00-10.00/ 12.00-13.00 UTC) ánd on 7685 kHz (13.00-14.00 UTC). Response was overwhelming with so far
approx. 50 reports sent by eMail. These reports came from some 16 countries within and outside Europe including the USA,
Canada & Chile (South America). 
Next series of tests on 39 metres will be radiated upcoming Sunday October 11th; FRS-Holland will be carrying out tests on 
7600 kHz and 7685 kHz. 7685 replaces 7635 which had to be cancelled last Sunday. 7635 won't be use and is replaced by 
7685 kHz.
This Sunday will see 4 hour of tests in two blocks of two hours: 08.00-10.00 UTC and a repeat between 12.00-14.00 UTC.
During each 2 hour morning block we will use two different frequencies: 7600 (08.00-09.00 + 12.00-13.00) and 7685 (09.00-10.00 +
13.00-14.00 UTC).Peter V. will be reading out some of the mail FRS received so far.
Of course we remain understandably curious about reception on each frequency. What is the best frequency choice, is there much 
difference between 7600 and 7685, is there much difference in reception between the morning and afternoon hours? Questions
on which we would like to have your answer. Propagation conditions could differ from last Sunday, that makes things extra interesting.
If you have sent a reception report for last Sunday's tests, please write in again. You can compare both Sundays as far as propagation 
is concerned telling us what Sunday was the best.
We'd love to hear from you, either by mail or via POBox 2702, 6049 ZG Herten, the Netherlands. A nice QSL card is waiting for you.
Keep an eye on 7600 kHz and 7685 kHz.

Looking back to Sunday October 4th
Once again, we are very pleased with the reports we got so far. We haven't looked yet in our POBox but most likely we will receive a bunch
of letters. Thanks to all who responded on last Sunday's tests! 
Unfortunately we were not able to test on 7635 although it was announced. Instead we tested on 7685 during the final hour between 13.00-14.00 UTC.
Conditions last Sunday weren't as good as the previous week but still satisfactory. There was more noise, fading an cracks. Reception varied from poor
to very good. And: reception in southern regions was better compared with northern. For instance in North Germany and Southern Scandinavia reception
was fair at its best while in France, Southern Britain and Southern Germany reception was good (at least: in many cases). This could be result of the 
direction in which the inverted V (almost horizontal)  dipole antenna is hanging. We cannot rotate the antenna that much, at the most approx. 35 degrees.
But also on one and the same reception location reception varied. The first 15 min. were ruled by a high amount of noise but at approx. 08.15 UTC the signal
became significantly better because of a decreasing noise level. Between 09.00-09.40 UTC the signal was less strong but towards 10.00 signal strength was 
peaking. Especially in the afternoon there was much difference in reception quality among the various reception locations.
All in all we are quite satisfied with the results. If propagation remains the same or becomes even a bit better, we hope to achieve at least the same results 
as last Sunday. Let's wat and see...

FRS News #34 out now
The latest edition of FRS News is out. In this 4 page edition (in colour!) the latest FRS News, we look back at the highly successful December 2008 broadcast, 
Mailbox 2702,  Fact File and a story on Radio Europe Int. (History of European SW Free Radio).
If you would like to obtain a copy, send two euro/ 3 US dollars to our Herten maildrop. Perhaps you could combine this with sending in a snailmail report to our
Herten maildrop. A hard copy of our quality QSL is preferable above a E-QSL card. But: that's up to you. 
More news in the upcoming weeks. WE will certainly keep you up-to-date with FRS-Holland developments.

73s, Peter Verbruggen on behalf of the FRS Team 

a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....

POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

e-mail: < frs.holland@xxxxxxxxx>
e-mail: < frs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....

POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

e-mail: < frs.holland@xxxxxxxxx>
e-mail: < frs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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