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[A-DX] Fwd: FRS tests next Sunday

Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:

Von: FRS-Holland <frs.holland@xxxxxxxxx>
Datum: 1. Oktober 2009 22:27:21 MESZ
An: FRS-Holland <frs.holland@xxxxxxxxx>, FRSH-3:;
Betreff: FRS tests next Sunday

Dear FRS Friends,

Summer has gone and autumn is ruling. Propagation conditions have reached to a satisfactory level. Time to expand some activity. We haven't decided yet on which date (s) FRS-Holland will take to the air with a regular schedule. But: in preparation to that, we have planned a series of tests on 39 metres, just above the well-known 41 mb. Next Sunday October 4th and 11th FRS-Holland will be carrying out tests on 7600 kHz and
a second frequency close to 7600 kHz.
Each Sunday will see 4 hour of tests in two blocks of two hours: 08.00-10.00 UTC and a repeat between 12.00-14.00 UTC. During each 2 hour morning block we will use two different frequencies, the same ones will be used during the afternoon tests. We are understandably curious about reception on each frequency. What is the best frequency choice, is there much difference between 7600 and the other channel, is there much difference in reception between the morning and afternoon hours? Questions
on which we would like to have your answer.
To collect the most reliable information the test schedule for Sun October 4th will be copied for Sun October 11th. We'd love to hear from you, either by mail or via POBox 2702, 6049 ZG Herten, the Netherlands. Comparisons between the two freqs and morning/ afternoon blocks is of course extra interesting! A nice QSL card is waiting for you. Keep an eye on 7600 kHz and a second frequency close to that, for instance 7635 and 7650 kHz.

The latest edition of FRS News is out. In this 4 page edition (in colour!) the latest FRS News, we look back at the highly successful December 2008 broadcast, Mailbox 2702, Fact File and a story on Radio Europe Int. (History of European SW Free Radio). If you would like to obtain a copy, send two euro/ 3 US dollars to our Herten maildrop.
More news in the upcoming weeks.

73s, Peter Verbruggen on behalf of the FRS Team

a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....

POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

e-mail: < frs.holland@xxxxxxxxx>
e-mail: < frs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....

POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

e-mail: < frs.holland@xxxxxxxxx>
e-mail: < frs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Martin     http://webadresse.geloescht/

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