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[A-DX] (Fwd) [Ripple] Uruguay being Heard Again 6125 kHz

  • Subject: [A-DX] (Fwd) [Ripple] Uruguay being Heard Again 6125 kHz
  • From: "Willi Westrupp" <wwestrupp@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 01 Oct 2009 11:57:41 +0200

------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht / Forwarded message -------
Its many years since a Uruguayan shortwave station has been heard in New 
Zealand, but I have just had a positive identification for 'Radio 
Uruguay' on 6125kHz. The frequency was clear when checked at 0910  UTC 1 
October, but on rechecking at 0919, I found pleasant folk music followed 
by commercials and a recorded identification as "Radio Uruguay 1050 AM , 
Montevideo, Uruguay". 
 From postings to Glenn Hauser's DX Listening Digest this is the 350 
watt SODRE transmitter reactivated.
I thought this might be a possibility tonight because Mexican Candela FM 
6104.76 was at the best strength I've heard them earlier this evening.  
Also the presumed Filipino on 6170.39 was just making it past the strong 
RNZI 6170 signal.
Bryan Clark, Mangawhai, Northland, NZ, AOR7030+ and EWEs

Ripple mailing list
--- Ende der weitergeleiteten Nachricht / End of forwarded message ---

73, Willi

Yaesu FRG-7700 | 17m Draht, 1:9 Unun, Ugly Balun | MW: Rahmen-Antenne, U=1,60m 
| QTH: 35390 Gießen 
Logbuch http://www.tikishop.de/dxers%20corner.htm

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