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Re: [A-DX] Log: Radio Asena (tent.) 15350

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] Log: Radio Asena (tent.) 15350
  • From: Patrick Robic <patrick.robic@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 08 Sep 2009 20:12:55 +0200

Reinhold Schuttkowski schrieb:
Wenn ich es richtig interpretiere (Aoki), müsste das jetzt (1751 UTC) auf 15350 mit O=4 Radio Asena sein (via Asmara).

Buchstabendreher: via Samara, Rußland

Um wen handelt es sich bei diesem Sender?

Auszug aus der Bestätigungs e-mail vom Februar:
Considering that you don't know our language your report is accurate. I am the one who was introducing Voice of Asena - after the intro by the female as you rightly described it. I was talking about the aims and objectives of Voice of Asena so that our followers in Eritrea and the rest of the region will know who we are and our main programme is going to be. VOA's man objective is to promote freedom of expression among Eritrean as we have a dictatorial regime who doesn't allow that basic right to our people. So, taking advantage of the freedom we have in exile we are challenging the regime so that to bring about democratic change. We are trying to be the voice of the voiceless at home. The response we have got yesterday after our first broadcast was unbelievable. As it has been the case with our website, the radio broadcast has also been the talk of the country among the people inside Eritrea and in the diaspora.

By the way 'Asena' in our local language is a sigh of happiness. If someone is happy about something - says 'Asena!'


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