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[A-DX] Walter Cronkite

  • Subject: [A-DX] Walter Cronkite
  • From: "Harranth" <harranth@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2009 15:26:27 +0200

KB2GSD, Walter Cronkite, a famous American TV "news anchor," has died at the
age of 92.  Cronkite delivered the "CBS Evening News" from 1962- 1981.
Cronkite was a friend of the ham radio community and got his license with
the help of his long-time broadcast engineer, who was a ham.  Cronkite
enjoyed sailing and used his radio on board.

So die offizielle Verlautbarung der ARRL. Uns liegt ein Schreiben von Walter
Cronkite vor, in dem er uns bestätigt, dass er seit Jahren nicht mehr aktiv
war und keine eigene QSL-Karte besaß.

Wolf Harranth OE1WHC
Dokumentationsarchiv Funk (QSL Collection)
ORF/QSL Argentinierstr. 30A. A-1040 Wien
+43-1-50101-16071 / Mob (+43676)0676-4012585
office@xxxxxxxxxxxx - http://dokufunk.org

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