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[A-DX] Fw: [DXplorer] Vanuatu-3945

  • Subject: [A-DX] Fw: [DXplorer] Vanuatu-3945
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2009 12:42:05 +0200

7260 wurde downunder noch nicht gehört.

VANUATU 3945.000 Radio Vanuatu at 0910 UT, program of light ballads and
island music, simple ID by man in English at 0918 as, "This is Radio
Vanuatu." Actually had this about an hour prior but had to wait for the
positive ID. Into Pidgin conversation as I type, 0937 UT, 1 July.
(David Sharp-NSW-AUS, dxld July 1)

It is 0945 UTC July 2nd, and I have just noticed Vanuatu on 3945 kHz with a good signal. It would seem that one of the new 10 kw transmitters is on the air.

I'll listen tomorrow (our time, but still today UTC) and look for them on
7260 kHz. They weren't there yesterday.

I currently can't hear the Solomons on either 9541 or 5020 kHz.

Subject: [DXplorer] Vanuatu-3945
        From ARDXC NL:
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2009 18:43:40 +1100
From: Craig Seager
Subject: [ARDXC] Vanuatu 3945

R.Vanuatu reactivated on 3945. Strong  0614 with ID in Bislama.
Rgds. Craig (on Dxpedition)

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