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[A-DX] Radio Damaskus

  • Subject: [A-DX] Radio Damaskus
  • From: "Paul Gager" <aon.913879759@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 08:25:25 +0200

Ich merke hier von einer verbesserten Mod auf 9330 kHz noch nix. Aber es
heißt ja in dem Mail "..be patient".



Dear Radio Friends
I just arrived back home in Belgium today after a fabulous 4-week visit to
the beautiful and friendly country Syria is.

My very dear friends of Radio Damascus organised a whole program for me,
reflecting the legendary Syrian hospitality.

The head of the English section, Mr. Rasheed Haidar, also organised several
meetings for me with the director of the External services , the **chief
engineer of Radio Damascus' shortwave station in Adra and the other staff of
Radio Damascus.

I will very soon send you a full and detailed report of all the meetings I
had with the motivated team of professionals at Radio Damascus, working very
hard to bring us every day an attractive and informative program as well as
what the chief engineer had to say about the **known problems
(modulation...)... be patient, **good news is in the pipeline :-) .

http://radiodamascusenglish.podomatic.com .

The podcast is in a regular MP3 format so you can take it with you on your
Ipods or other MP3 players.

You can alternatively listen to the daily program of Radio Damascus on the
official website of RTV Syria at :
http://www.syriaonline.sy/radio.php .

A major update of the http://www.radio-damascus.net website will follow in
the coming days.
(Vielleicht betrifft es auch die deutsche Seite, falls es eine gibt.)

Kris Janssen
Radio Damascus Listeners Club

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