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[A-DX] Für unsere Globetrotter - Cuernavaca ist ein feines Reiseziel

  • Subject: [A-DX] Für unsere Globetrotter - Cuernavaca ist ein feines Reiseziel
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 12:22:09 +0200

MEXICO   Next Mexican National DX-Meeting.

I hope all are well in these times of crisis and times of delicate
epidemic situations, thank God we are already surpassing everything. Right
now life has been normalized in this city. Due to the uncertainty created in
recent days, I can confirm that our next event of the year, long awaited by
many of you, it will be held on the date already fixed, and now the venue
already confirmed:

July 31 - August 02, 2009 in the premises of CANACINTRA Morelos, located on
Avenida Palmas Norte 215, here in the city of Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico.

We look forward to your presence and welcome you to forward this notice to
friends and interested colleagues.

Magdiel Cruz Rodriguez, Organizador.
Cellular phone: (+52) 777 110 94 56.
Address: Apartado Postal 22; 62571 CIVAC, Morelos; MEXICO.
Website: <http://entre-ondas.blogspot.com>
(Magdiel Cruz-MEX, dswci DXW May 13)

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