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[A-DX] Radio Damaskus unterbricht KW Sendungen

... für alle Radio Damaskus Hörer schwappte eben folgendes aus der HCDX rüber:

"My friends at Radio Damascus also informed me that starting April 28th, there will be a short break in the shortwave transmissions from Damascus to perform some maintenance work on the transmitters (maybe this is related to the modulation operations). They will try to keep the interruption of the shortwave transmissions as short as possible, so it should only take a short while!"

Alternativ der Empfang über den Hotbird oder im Internet:





"And I have some other great news. I received today an email from my dear friends at Radio Damascus that the engineer in charge of the shortwave transmitters is aware of the terrible modulation problem and will take measures to raise the modulation level with priority."

... weiss "Kris" aus Belgien zu berichten.



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