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[A-DX] BR Radio. Low-Power SW Belarus off?

  • Subject: [A-DX] BR Radio. Low-Power SW Belarus off?
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 10:17:25 +0200

Hier eine Liste der übrig geliebenen Belarus Radio external Aussendungen,
teilweise nach RUS/CIS Staaten aber auch nach Westeuropa (Zonen 27 und 28).
Die exotischen BR1 und BR2 Kleinsender im 49 und 41 mb schweigen
seit dem 1. April.
73 wb

----- Original Message ----- From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: [dxld] Re: Low-Power SW Belarus off?

This is the schedule of the powerful BR SW relay:
 6080 0300 2104 29SE,39NE MNS  150 130
 7210 1100 2300 27        MNS   75 270
 7255 1500 1700 37N       MNS  250 255
 7255 1705 2300 29        MNS  250 75
 7390 1100 2300 27,28     MNS  150 250
11930 0400 0700 28        MNS  250 75
73 wb

----- Original Message ----- From: "sergei_dx" Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 6:44 AM
Subject: [dxld] Re: Low-Power SW Belarus off?

Thanks, Alexey!
I guess I didn't word myself well. I meant to say that at the daytime
(from UT noon) only R.Belarus was heard on SW. As I mentioned in my
I presumed that BR-1 was still maintaining its powerful SW relays towards

Obviously from DXers' point those two broadcasts aren't as much fun as
exotic low-power channels. What I like about the evening transmission
though is that it contains relays of the regional stations from
15.05-16.00 Mon.-Sat. (Minsk - R.Stolitsa, Vitebsk, Mogilyev, Brest,
Grondo and Gomel).

I understand those regional relays aren't carried on national BR-1 (279
kHz). Right?
73, Sergei

--- In dxld@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Alexey Zinevich <zas1992@...> wrote:

> I'm afraid Wolfgang is right... Only the External service is heard on
> SW today.

Not all the frequencies are off! For example, now I here BR-1 on 11930
kHz and yesterday I heard them on 7255 kHz (not R. Belarus, but
exactly BR-1, somewhere about 16:15 UTC).
73! Alexey Zinevich:
a DXer from Minsk, Belarus

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