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[A-DX] Fwd: IRRS-Shortwave A09 (summer 2009) schedule

  • Subject: [A-DX] Fwd: IRRS-Shortwave A09 (summer 2009) schedule
  • From: Herbert Meixner <hmeixner@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2009 10:29:27 +0100

Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2009 09:08:28 +0100
From: Ron Norton <ron@xxxxxxxxx>
Organization: NEXUS International Broadcasting Association

Dear IRRS Listeners,

Effective March 29, 2009, the new A09 schedule will become effective for
IRRS-Shortwave and European Gospel Radio, from Milano to Europe, Africa and
Middle East. You can check the latest details at:


This month I invite you to listen to our special one hr segment each Saturday
from 1000-11000 CET on 9510 kHz (same time and freq during A09), with programs
from International Public Access Radio (http://www.nexus.org/IPAR).

Here is an excerpt of programs that you can hear via IPAR/IRRS each Saturday

On Saturday March 27, 2009 from 0900-0930 UTC on 9510 kHz we will carry a
special edition of Radio Rasant, a program produced by students of the
Städtischen Realschule in Sundern, Germany. At 0930 UTC, we will follow with DX Party line with Graham Allen from HCJB, and then 39 Dover Street, a program with
selected poetry & eclectic music produced by Stephen John Jones.

World of Radio will be resumed each Saturday (except the 1st Sat in the month)
from 1000-1030 CET on April 11. Radio Joystick will be on the air each first
Saturday in the month from 1000-1100 CET, on 9510 kHz to Europe, North Africa
and Middle East.

For more information on our Christian segment daily on 5990 kHz, and on Fri-Sat & Sun evening on 7290 kHz, please check our web site at http://www.egradio.org.

Reception reports and comments are always welcome, by email at:

email: reports (at) nexus (dot) org

Stay tuned and best 73s,

de Ron

Ron Norton                       NEXUS-Int'l Broadcasting Association
http://www.nexus.org  http://www.egradio.org

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