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[A-DX] Ein Vergleich

  • Subject: [A-DX] Ein Vergleich
  • From: "Paul Gager" <aon.913879759@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 09:56:22 +0100

Im Zusammenhang mit der AWR Kollekte 2009, siehe mein Mail vom 18.03.09,
sind in der Druckausgabe von PopularCommunications/april09 einige
historische QSL-Karten aus
der Sammlung von Dr. Adrian M. Peterson abgebildet.Ua. von ZMBJ=T.S.S.
"Awatea" Schiffssender, CBZ=(angeblich) oldest pirate QSL card. CBZ is/war
located "1000 miles south of Brisbane". Marconi= the world's first known
wireless card (England 1901). Personal radio card from the noted Arthur
Cushen und noch einige mehr.

Dazu werden in einem über 5 Seiten langen Bericht, sehr detailliert die
"Major QSL Collections in The United States, Europe and the South Pacific"

Treasure troves of radio's past-Millions of QSL cards preserved in only five
by Dr. Adrian M. Peterson

A double collection in New Zealand.
Hocken Library at the University of Otago in Dunedin,
mit qsl letters from the more than 50 small radio stations operated by
american forces during the Pacific War./ qsl cards and letters from several
of the 21 mobile stations operated by Australian forces during the Pacific
War/ cards from the mobile railway broadcasting stations 5ZB in N.Z. and 3YB
in Australia...

The Wellington based RHF=Radio Heritage Foundation
=local alternative to the Hocken Library,which no longer accepts non-local
collections due to space limitations.

The Vienna Collection
The reference collections in this huge assemblage, currently numbering
around *seven million*, are located in a building opposite the headquaters
of ORF..the  Vienna collection also contains a large library of radio books
and magazines, many thousends of video and audio recordings, and other
radio-related materials of all kind.

CPRV in Maryland
Currently, the total number of QSL cards and letters in the fabulous CPRV
collection at the University of Maryland stands at almost 40,000. The oldest
QSL card in this collection is dated 1921, and approximately one third of
the entire collection is dated before 1950.

The Indianapolis Collection
Currently, the full tally of the Indianapolis collection is estimated at
well over 35,000 QSL cards and letters, as well as other historic radio

Tja, mit 3000plus ist man da nur ein "armer Schlucker".
Trotzdem, sonnigen Sonntag

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