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Re: [A-DX] Logs:207kHz

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] Logs:207kHz
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2009 13:06:19 +0100

Du Glücklicher, im Störnebel der Grossstadt leider unmöglich.

Kiev 207 kHz mit 250 kW, siehe Skript:

Alex' neue Adresse
<aseg @ rambler.ru>

73 wb

----- Original Message ----- From: "radonezh" Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009
Subject: [dxld] RUI Laids Off Its DX-Editor

Dear colleagues:
Due to my leaving National Radio Company of Ukraine (NRCU), my email
address egorov[at]nrcu.gov.ua will no longer be valid. Please keep in
touch with me at aseg{at}rambler[.]ru.

About NRCU's QSL-policy. Our radio company has a significant number of
QSL-cards left. They were printed to confirm the reception reports of
the Home Service. I'd suggest directly contacting the editorial office
of the program you heard for QSL-verification. You can also try
writing to NRCU Monitoring Department.

The farewell broadcast of my DX-program WWORD-161 will go on the air
Feb.21/22. Its future will depend mostly on whether I'll be able to
negotiate a part-time work at RUI.

Of course, I feel very sad about closing the program after almost 13
years. But one can't survive just on moral satisfaction from his hobby
when he only has a meager state pension to lean on. In these difficult
times we all are forced to think about our daily bread and survival.
It's unclear what awaits us ahead.

I have to say that producing an English language program has never
been easy for me. I am not a linguist or professional narrator.

The most unfortunate part is that RUI's director publicly spoke
against my DX-program. In reality he never listened to it since he
doesn't understand English. But he confidently pronounced that no one
needs it and that my position should be taken up by a specialist in
politics and information.

I wish they would hurry up and finally set up a Russian Service.

Alexander Yegorov, Kiev, Ukraine in open_dx via midxb 621
Translated from Russian by Sergei S.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Clemens Paul" <cpaul@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 12:24 PM
Subject: [A-DX] Logs:207kHz
Da momentan Aholming wieder scheigt, kann ich hier mit der K9AY die Ukraine
mit S8/O3-4 aufnehmen (Nord-oder Ostschleife) sowie SNRT Chaine in Marokko
mit S5-6 und O2-3
(mit Westschleife ist die Ukraine am besten auszublenden).

73 Clemens DL4RAJ
Loc:Südostbayern,12,90006°O/48,4150°N (Gridloc:JN68KJ)
Perseus mit K9AY

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