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Re: AW: [A-DX] 3 Araber im 49 mb

  • Subject: Re: AW: [A-DX] 3 Araber im 49 mb
  • From: Patrick Robic <patrick.robic@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2009 13:11:34 +0100

Hallo !

Günter Lorenz schrieb:
Den Araber auf 6220 hatte ich gestern (31.01.) auch. Keine klare ID, am ehesten noch Kairo. Modulation zu leise und zu undeutlich.

Der Trend im Mittleren Osten zum TV hören setzt sich fort.
Aus DXLD 9-011 vom 3.2.09
** PALESTINE [non]. UNIDENTIFIED. ARABS. As reported by others, I also noted an unID Arab station on 2nd Feb on 6220 under Mystery R at 1820 UT. Weakish and fady signal here and to me it sounded like they had same kind of audio drop-outs that Al Aqsa TV sound has on shortwave. No parallels I could find in the 6 and 7 MHz band. Al Aqsa 5815 was off but 5835 was on and not in parallel with 6220. Still audible past 1900 UT.

At 1900 noted another Arabic speaking station on 6210 but that was some kind of mixing product of V of Russia Arabic (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland, Feb 3, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

6220 kHz, Al Quds TV audio carrier. Hello DXers, on 2/2/09 I picked up the UNID Arabic station on 6220 around 1910 UT; the news was on with some interviews. I noticed that the terms spoken are very similar to Al Aqsa TV audio carrier on 5815/5835 (mainly when they talk about Israel and the Israeli army). I tried to get an ID, but in vain; but I heard an announcer saying "to all our viewers`` !!!) so my guessing was right, it's an audio carrier of a TV station. My Friend Mauno Ritola from Finland sent me an audio file with the news of TOH and I heard the ID, the news from AlQuds network.

Alquds in Arabic means Jerusalem; that station is transmitting on the Atlantic Bird satellite, 7 Degrees West on the following freq:
10873 GHz, polarization Vertical, S/R 27500, FEC 3/4

Also on Badr sat (ex Arab sat) on 11900 GHz, V 27500, 3/4

That station went on the air on 11 November 2008. Beirut-Lebanon based station website of the Al Quds organization is: http://www.qudstv.com/ You can see a live stream on that site and compare it to the audio on 6220. More to come soon, [later:] Hello DXers, 6220 kHz around 1610 UT, Al Quds TV with the news in the clear with news about Hamas, Palestine, Iran, Pakistan, 1625 dear viewers, this is the end of our news bulletin. Followed by some music, 1630 people of Gaza talking about the last Israeli attack on Gaza and how they lost their relatives and homes; sounds like they sign on as Al Aqsa on 5835 (only at the moment no sign of 5815) around 1600 UT. All the best (Tarek Zeidan, Cairo, Egypt, skype : mrdxer, Feb 3, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1446, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Great job, Tarek, thank you! Noted also here again today at start 1600 on about 6220.4. Shortwave audio is about 30 secs ahead of the web stream. 73, (Jari Savolainen, Finland, ibid.)

Thanks Tarek, I confirmed it by a check of the Web streaming, too.
I identify that not synchronize as 5835 kHz by the yesterday's reception. Is a transmitting station two places? (S. Hasegawa, NDXC, ibid.)

6220, Al Quds TV, 1854-1903, escuchada el 3 de febrero en idioma árabe a locutor y locutora con comentarios, a pesar de buena señal el nivel de audio es muy bajo, a las 1900 se escucha música de sintonía y la voz de un locutor con titulares, SINPO 34332.

Una vez más hay que agradecer al amigo Tarek Zeidan desde El Cairo por su inestimable ayuda a la hora de identificar emisoras en árabe (José Miguel Romero, Burjasot (Valencia), España, Sangean ATS 909, Antena Radio Master A-108, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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