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  • Subject: [A-DX] RDP DRM
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2009 10:47:53 +0100

Jetzt beginnt auch RDP Radio Portugal damit, sich selbst zu massakrieren ...
mir ist ganz entgangen, dass sich portugiesische Gastarbeiter aus dem
breiten Angebot den DRM Perseus beschafft haben ...  wb

Good way to cut listening numbers and reduce revenue.
Dennis Smith

Luís Carvalho wrote:
According to a info. available (only in Portuguese) at
http://ww1.rtp.pt/programas/index.php?article=2382&visual=4, RDPi
Radio Portugal will start experimental DRM broadcasts.

Starting on 31st January, Deutsche Welle's SW facilities in Sines,
Portugal, (which are also used by RDP), will broadcast RDPi on
week-ends (Sat & Sunday), 0930-1100 UTC, targeting Central Europe.

Although not officially confirmed - at least as far as RDPi's website
is concerned, they'll use the frequency 9815 kHz, replacing the
currently (scheduled) analog broadcast with the new digital one...

Anyway, within the above referred time period (0930-1100 UC), analog
shortware broadcast to Europe will remain on 12020 kHz (0800-1200 UC,
via RDP's main HF Center - S. Gabriel, near Lisboa).

I should remind that all other scheduled (B08) frequencies/timetables
should remain operational.

Well, I wonder how many Portuguese immigrants (and "Luso"-
descendants) living in countries like France, Switzerland, among
others, will enjoy the new technology... assuming they will be able to
buy an affordable DRM receiver...

73 & good DX!
Luís Carvalho

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