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Re: [A-DX] Radio Verdad/Guatemala

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] Radio Verdad/Guatemala
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2009 21:12:41 +0100

In Zeiten von zwitschern und heile Welt in DC gibt es auch noch andere Probleme auf dieser Welt. Bisher wurde R Verdad noch nicht wieder gehört. Hier eine Kopie aus dem Dez. 2008, die alles aussagt. 73 wolfgang

GUATEMALA   Radio Verdad, Guatemala delayed return.
We are still not hearing Radio Verdad back on the air. Could you update us
on the delays and how the repairs are going? And when you now expect to
resume? Best wishes, Glenn Hauser
(to Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid, Radio Verdad, dxld Nov 29)

Thank you, Glen for your good concern on our Station "Radio Verdad". You
can imagine how sad I have felt all this time. First of all, it was a very
bad lightning that destroyed the two power modules of our transmitter (the
worst damage in life). I friend of mine (technitian) changed transistors
to one of the modules, but, they exploded as soon as I installed the

So, I decided to get help from somebody else. It took me a whole month to
find a technitian who would do the job. He seemed to be willing. Then, it
took us another month to get the power transistors from Miami (very
difficult to find).

Our problem now is that, the technitian has NOT put much interest in doing
the repairs. First of all, he took two weeks to pick up the transistors
from the dealer. And, after that, he has NOT started to fix the modules
yet. We have been pleading him to do the job soon, but he has been
somewhat indifferent. I think he supposes that we won't have enough money
to pay his job. And, of course, we don't have much money left, but we'll
do the effort to get it. Every time we call him on the telephone, he
promises us to send the modules within three or four days, but he doesn't
do it.

So, we are just praying God that He may lead him to start the job. Very
many listeners from the whole world have communicated their good concern
and sadness to us for the situation, as we have been off the air for over
three months. So, I am just waiting for the modules, to install them and
go on the air. As soon as we get back on the air, I will inform you.

We hope to be back on the air very soon (if the technitian has mercy upon
us). In the mean time, you can tune our signal over Internet, even though
I am sure that all DX'ers prefer Short Wave signals.
Our Internet address is as follows:

May God bless you and thanks you for your constant concern.
(Dr. Edgar Amilcar Madrid, Manager and Director, Radio Verdad, 4052.5,

----- Original Message ----- From: "Chris Edler" <radiolaura@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 8:43 PM
Subject: [A-DX] Radio Verdad/Guatemala

Hallo Liste,
weiss jemand ob Radio Verdad sein Sender auf 4052,5 wieder reaktiviert hat? Chris

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