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[A-DX] Fwd: Hörby

  • Subject: [A-DX] Fwd: Hörby
  • From: Sven Dibbert <swl@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 06 Nov 2010 12:37:35 +0100


En spesial:
Ho all,

This is from a Swedish ham...



Hi Bill and Co,

The Swedish Shortwave broadcasting service shut down last Saturday.

This weekend a small group of SM-HAMS have gained access to the
shortwave station. The aim is to try out the antenna farm on the ham-
radio bands.
Today Friday we have separated the 500 KW transmitters from the
antenna system and prepared for three ordinary Ham-rigs.

We will use the following antennas:

Logperiodic antenna: http://rune-feldt.se/allman/mast/a355-28.jpg This
antenna will operate from 6 MHZ and up.

We have access to 4 of this antenna in various directions
http://zyberland.net/berzan/horby/images/gardinantenn2.jpg Its for 40

No antennas for 80 and 160.

The shortwave station is located in Hörby not far from my QTH.
If everything works as we hope we will to start tomorrow Saturday at
around 10.00 Z and continue to probably Sunday afternoon. Hope we can
pick up some ZL on 40 m.
Callsigns? We will probably our private calls or SK7DX

Goran SM7DLK
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