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[A-DX] Fw: [DXplorer] SW Radio Africa broadcasts jammed despite unity government

  • Subject: [A-DX] Fw: [DXplorer] SW Radio Africa broadcasts jammed despite unity government
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2010 10:40:10 +0200

Eine Art chinesische Firedrake Musik auf Zimbabwisch ... wem das mal auf
4880 rüberkommen sollte, kann ja hier schon mal vor-hören.


oder direkt

4880 SW Radio Africa 1700-1900 English 100kW 005Grad Meyerton AFS SWR



73 wb

----- Original Message ----- From: "Arnaldo" <slaen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <DXplorer @ yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 7:28 PM
Subject: [DXplorer] SW Radio Africa broadcasts jammed despite unity

The audio clip above reveals what Zimbabweans heard yesterday when they
tuned into SW Radio Africa (SWRA) to hear impartial objective Zimbabwean
news. It is a further act of censorship, another effort to suppress free
speech and the right of Zimbabweans to access information.

SWRA have done an incredible job ensuring news-deprived Zimbabweans still
have access to impartial objective information despite the Zanu PF
government's passing of repressive legislation like the Access to
Information and Protection of Privacy Act (AIPPA). This oddly named piece of
legislature has served to deny independent media sources permission to
operate newspapers, radio or TV in Zimbabwe. SWRA, broadcasting from outside
Zimbabwe on short wave, have managed to provide independent news to parts of
the country that email and online news sources cannot reach. As such they
have been a lifeline  of information to oppressed Zimbabweans.

It has also made SWRA a thorn in the side for members of the political elite
who feel most threatened by a critical and enquiring press that seeks to
expose corruption and human rights abuses.

SWRA have been jammed before, but their article on their website about this
instance conveys shock at the fact that, this time, the jamming  is
happening under the inclusive government which includes former opposition
parties that have supposedly fought for democratic principles. In fact, just
last week, the MDC-T party launched a new party card, describing it as the
'master card for real change'. What's worse, this is the second act of
censorship occuring under the unity government this week.

 Robert Mugabe's regime has resumed jamming news broadcasts from SW Radio
Africa, despite the existence of the coalition government with the MDC, that
is supposed to guarantee freedom of expression. On Wednesday evening the
first half hour of our broadcast featuring Newsreel was drowned out by a
heavy noise, sounding like a slow playing record.

 SW Radio Africa listeners told us that soon after the news ended the
jamming noise stopped and the rest of the broadcast featuring current
affairs programming could be heard clearly.

 Information Communication Technology Minister Nelson Chamisa [MDC-T] told
Newsreel he was not aware of the jamming. He said; 'We will have to start
gathering our facts on the matter before coming up with our position.'
Deputy Information Minister Murisi Zwizwai's phone went unanswered the whole
day. But a source told us the Central Intelligence Organisation, which falls
under the President's Office, is running the operation.

 It is sad that despite the fact Zimbabwe does have an inclusive
government, where two of the parties supposedly whole heartedly support the
notion of a free press and Zimbabweans right to information, that SWRA are
once again being jammed.

 In 2005 Mugabe's regime began jamming SW Radio Africa frequencies just
before the controversial Operation Murambatsvina. It was reported that the
jamming equipment and expertise was provided by China and at the time we
spoke to a soldier who says he was sent to China to be trained in jamming
techniques. The jamming was then extended to include signals from Voice of
America's Studio 7, in clear violation of international laws.

In an earlier email today, SWRA wrote:

 For the past few weeks we have been concerned that jamming tests were
being carried out on our broadcasts as various radio hams around the world
have been sending us regular reports of a faintly audible music loop.

 Unfortunately it was confirmed that these were tests, as jamming began in
earnest last night (1st September - attached please find an MP3 of the
jamming). It appears to be specifically targeting our news bulletin. This
could be because there are power shortages/lack of funds to target the
entire broadcast.

 Last time we were so severely jammed only ZANU PF were in power and we had
no one to complain to. This time we have a 'unity government' and I do hope
the jamming will be a topic for discussion at the media conference in Harare
and that all media organisations - such as MISA/MAZ/MMPZ - will take this
issue up at every government forum available to them.

 We will, of course, be relentless in trying to get hold of the various
ministers from both the MDC and ZPF to hold them to account for the fact
that we are supposed to be moving forward to greater media and information
freedom - we hope all other media will do the same and not let the matter

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