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[A-DX] Fw: [INTRUDER ALERT] Church Broadcast on 28265 kHz in FM

  • Subject: [A-DX] Fw: [INTRUDER ALERT] Church Broadcast on 28265 kHz in FM
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2010 10:42:21 +0200

Immer diese Überreichweiten ...

----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 10:28 AM
Subject: [INTRUDER ALERT] Church Broadcast on 28265 kHz in FM

Dear Intruder Busters,

a contributor of DARC Bandwacht has heard

*** Divine Service in English language
*** 19 Juli 2010 at 1900 UTC
*** on 28265 kHz
*** in FM
*** with S7 at is Groundplane

Some years ago I have heard the same kind of broadcast on various QRGs in the 10-m-Band. These stns were all from the Republic of Ireland.

In Ireland there are *** legal *** channels just BELOW 28000 kHz in FM to re-broadcast e.g. the Divine Service of a Church or the news of a community into the houses of ill and handicapped persons. You may hear these transmissions with S6 - S9 when Sporadic-E condx are active.

So, maybe, one *** tricky *** mechanic has chosen a frequency HIGHER than 28 MHz to escape of QRM from CB-ers. Pse listen on this QRG (and on others adjacent...) and report to Wolf DK2OM or to me.
Thank you for your good word
Uli, DJ9KR

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