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[A-DX] http://www.lightningradio.tk/ ====> http://lightningradio.co.nr/

  • Subject: [A-DX] http://www.lightningradio.tk/ ====> http://lightningradio.co.nr/
  • From: Roger <roger.roger@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2011 22:52:11 +0100


Lightning Radio is a shortwave radio station playing primarily indie rock and some new music. After several weeks of testing our regular transmissions were started in July, 2011. Currently we broadcast by a fixed schedule, 51 hours a week in total.

Lightning Radio is a low power shortwave radio station. Our current frequency is 6990 kHz. The transmitter location is _Kecskemét_, Hungary, transmitter power is 25 watts. Due to our power limitations, our main reception area is expected to be Europe, but we welcome any feedback from all over the world.

If you send us a reception report, make sure you include the date, time, your location, frequency and a SINPO code if you can. Audio clips are highly welcomed but not required. Reports of reception on remote receivers (GlobalTuners, RemoteHams, etc.) are also accepted. Reports are currently only verified by e-mail, new series of e-QSL's are issued every month......................"

bei 7,4 MHz  aktuell schon  3000 km tote Zone.....

73+55 roger

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