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[A-DX] Sonder-QSL HCJB Technologie Zentrum

  • Subject: [A-DX] Sonder-QSL HCJB Technologie Zentrum
  • From: "HCJB - Die Stimme der Anden" <hcjb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2011 21:01:52 -0500

Aktion zwischen dem 10 - 17. Dezember (außer Sonntag)
Mit herzlichen Grüßen aus Quito, Horst Rosiak

Amateur Radio Operators to Renew Contact with HCJB Global in Special Event
(Dec. 9, 2011 - by Harold Goerzen)

Amateur radio operators who listened to shortwave broadcasts from Radio
Station HCJB, the Voice of the Andes, in Quito, Ecuador, will have an
opportunity to make contact with the mission during a special weeklong event
beginning Saturday, Dec. 10.

?The purpose of this special event is to reconnect with countless thousands
of shortwave radio enthusiasts who listened to those international
broadcasts,? said David Russell, director of the HCJB Global Technology
Center in Elkhart, Ind., that will host the event. ?We have people lined up
to operate the station that has been given the special call sign of W9H.?

Many amateur radio enthusiasts worldwide attribute their interest in the
hobby to an enjoyable experience they had of tuning in to distant broadcasts
from Radio Station HCJB?s shortwave transmission facility in Ecuador that
ended broadcasts in November 2009 after 58 years.

?The special event ham radio station aims to spread goodwill among this
group and to inform them of the existence of the Technology Center,? added
Russell. ?It?s appropriate that we do this on the eve of major milestones in
the life of our organization?the 80th anniversary of HCJB?s initial
broadcasts and the 25th anniversary of the mission?s technical services arm,
the HCJB Global Technology Center.?

Participants will receive a special QSL (listener confirmation) card and
brochure. For more information, visit http://www.arrl.org/Events/view/37794.

Source: HCJB Global

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