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[A-DX] MV Baltic Radio this Sunday

  • Subject: [A-DX] MV Baltic Radio this Sunday
  • From: Klaus Fuehrlich <sme14158@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2011 17:14:48 +0100

Betreff: MV Baltic Radio this Sunday

             MV Baltic Radio this Sunday

Dear Listeners,

MV Baltic Radio is on the air this Sunday the 11th of December 2011

MVBR Schedule:

09.00 to 11.00 UTC on 9480 KHz,   1 KW  MV Baltic Radio ( Repeat from Last
Sunday )

PS:   Schedule for 6140 until 25th of December 2011

           1st Sunday M V B      1000 - 1100 UTC

           3rd Sunday E M R      1000 - 1100 UTC

           4th Sunday R Gloria    1400 - 1500 UTC

Good Listening   73s Tom

Due to Technical reasons the last transmission from MVBR on 6140 KHz will be

the 25th of December 2011.  MVBR on 9480 KHz will continue in 2012 as

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