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Re: [A-DX] Ende: Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] Ende: Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal
  • From: Wolfgang Thiele <thiele@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 02 Dec 2011 22:43:05 +0100

Am 02.12.2011 22:22, schrieb Christoph Ratzer:

Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal will close on 31 Dec
November 30th, 2011 - 13:01 UTC by Andy Sennitt.

Guido Schotmans writes: Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal (RVi) will cease to exist after 31 December 2011. That also means that the Wolvertem transmitter (near Brussels) operating on 927 kHz will be switched off on 31 December at 23:59:59 hours local time. Norkring is the owner of the transmitter. It is unclear if they will put airtime on the market for rent. Mails to them are left unanswered. But I think the transmitter is in bad shape. It is left on the air at night with unmodulated carrier since several weeks ago. We have seen this too during extremely cold periods in recent winters. So I think there are no plans to use the site for other purposes.


(Guido Schotmans via A-DX Facebookgruppe)

73 Christoph
Dann haben die Wallonen ja diesmal die Nase vorn, denn RTBF International gibt es weiterhin, sogar auf Antenne:


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