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[A-DX] Aoki tx table, per language, per station.

  • Subject: [A-DX] Aoki tx table, per language, per station.
  • From: Marc Coevoet <sintsixtus@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 21:58:00 +0100


The classic table from Aoki isn't there yet, but I made a recut of the perseus list (that is updated constantly..(°))

Transmissions, sorted by language:

Sorted by radio station:

Shortcuts like http://shortwave.tk bring you to the contents of the site,

http://swstations.tk and http://radiolanguages.tk are Eibi lists, to change soon.

I have FM/UKW freq-map on http://fmmaps.tk  (sources Bundesnetzagentur)


I hope this site is usefull FOR MYSELF.

The "Penguin" has arrived - and he's not going away - ever.
What's on Shortwave guide: choose an hour, go!
700+ Radio Stations on SW http://swstations.tk
300+ languages on SW http://radiolanguages.tk
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