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[A-DX] KW-Radio für Nordkorea

  • Subject: [A-DX] KW-Radio für Nordkorea
  • From: "D. Name auf Wunsch gelöscht" <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2011 15:00:00 +0100

Guten Nachmittag,

Ich habe mich grade in ein 56-seitiges PDF-Ebook vertieft, in dem Interviews
mit Nordkoreanern veröffentlicht wurden. In Bezug auf's Radio heißt es dort

- Have you ever heard South Korean radio broadcasts?

"Not at home. I used to have this thing from South Korea that picked up
shortwave radio relatively well. But if you are caught with it in an
inspection then there?s trouble, so I threw it away. Having South Korean
products isn?t good."

- What broadcasters do you remember?

"There was KBS, I know. In Chosun the radio frequency is fixed. If it is not
and you are caught listening to it, you have to pay a fine. If you have a TV
you have to register it for sealing by the NSA so you can?t listen to South
Korean broadcasts. If you don?t register it, you get punished."

Wer sich für dieses Dokument interessiert: 

Dazu auch dieser Blogeintrag: http://bit.ly/tQX2G9


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