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[A-DX] RFA e-Mail Antwort

  • Subject: [A-DX] RFA e-Mail Antwort
  • From: "Ralf Ladusch" <ralf@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2011 20:36:53 +0200

Hallo zusammen,
Hier mein Mitschnitt meines e-Mail Empfangsberichts (RFA, 19.9.11, 17:29UTC, ID 0:59min)

und hier die Antwort von RFA.

Hello Ralf Ladusch,

Trying to confirm your reception report for September 29, for Korean
frequency 5820 at 1729 UTC.

According to our records, 5820 kHz for Korean is not a valid frequency.
It is possible you were able to monitor another station like Deutsche
Welle, BBC, or VOA.  Do you have any further information to provide
about the report?  If not, may we kindly ask you to submit a new
reception report?

By the way, you can always find our frequencies online at:

We look forward to hearing from you again soon. Best wishes from all of
us at Radio Free Asia.

Valerie Johnson
Radio Free Asia

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