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[A-DX] RE: WBAP Fort Worth 25910 kHz 1311 UTC

  • Subject: [A-DX] RE: WBAP Fort Worth 25910 kHz 1311 UTC
  • From: Roger <roger.roger@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2011 17:54:44 +0200

Am 22.10.2011 17:27, schrieb Wolfgang Thiele:
Man findet Angaben zur Geschichte, zum Programmformat, Senderstandort, Sendeleistung etc. und oft auch einen Link zum Livestream, falls vorhanden.
Gruß Wolfgang
Ja, danke für den Tipp, gute Infos.
Aber ich "schmökere" natürlich auch gern in dem Originalmaterial von damals, aus den "Goldenen Zwanzigern"....da fühlt man sich wieder richtig jung... ;-)
...und bei so etwas reibt man sich auch erst 'mal die Augen:
"....The following American stations are heard regularly in Samoa :
KFI Los Angeles.........4.750 miles
KHJ Los Angeles.........4.750 miles
KPO San Francisco.......4.750 miles
KGO Oakland.............4.75O miles
WJAZ Chicago............6.555 miles Wednesday working WNP
WDAF Kansas City........6.110 miles Night Hawk Frolic
Other stations heard at various times are:
KLX Oakland.............4.750 miles
KGW Portland............5.080 miles
WBAP Fort Worth.........5.850 miles Test only. <=== WBAP ===
CFAC Calgary............5,620 miles Test only
An examination of the two lists clearly shows that international broadcasting between the United States and Samoa is carried on during the winter months of the temperate zone. Our small receivers consistently night after night reach out 5,000 miles and bring in American programs. It may be there is a scientific explanation for the long distance records made in Samoa. A study of the territory covered by the larger stations plotting the most distant points reached might be interesting. I know that maps showing the territory covered by KFI, KGO, KPO, WHB, and WJAZ would be interesting to the amateurs of Samoa. Very respectfully yours,
American Vice Consul in Charge...................."


....und das in einem Heft von 1924........

73+55 roger
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