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[A-DX] NIGERIA - für die Afunker, -- aber man sollte auch mal nach R Nigeria Ausschau halten ...

  • Subject: [A-DX] NIGERIA - für die Afunker, -- aber man sollte auch mal nach R Nigeria Ausschau halten ...
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2011 08:54:27 +0200

Abuja-Nigeria Oct 3 to 15. Operation as 5N7Q in CW and RTTY mode.
QSL via DF8DX.

Ich erspare mir die Arbeit mit der Übersetzung, hi ...
wenn's denn so alles stimmt, sind 22 Monate nach Fertigstellung der Station
die Fränkli noch nicht gezahlt worden. Das könnte auch ein plausibler Grund
sein, dass Abuja-alt 7275 kHz nicht mehr - oder kaum - gehört wurde...

NIGERIA   15200  I guess, has something todo with
Bodo Fritsche, ex DL3OCH, now DF8DX / 5N7Q is now on-site / on-the-spot
support, see BELOW.

Came across something a bit strange around 0530 UTC on the 26th. Voice of
Nigeria was booming in on both 15200 kHz and strong signal in the clear on
15120 kHz, but the broadcasts were not parallel. Signal was strong but
broadcast quality was poor, under or over modulated, not sure. In fact 15200
kHz was in English and was easily id'd by numerous mentions of Nigeria and
ID of Voice of Nigeria. 15120 kHz wasn't as clear of a signal, but did note
the switch from English to French around 0700 UT as scheduled. However,
15200 kHz isn't listed, even on their own website

Wondering if anybody else heard this on 15200 or knows about an addition of
(Daniel Anchorage-AK-USA, dxld Sept 26)

Re Radio Nigeria on 15200 kHz. Unidentified. Monday, Sept 26, 2011 - 0807
UT - 15200 kHz, NOT IDENTIFIED (Eton E5), Afro-Latin pop songs non-stop.
Good to sufficient signal, s/off at 0809 UT, then again from 0905 UT. KTWR
on Monday is not active, and is weaker, but I just can't imagine it testing
new transmitters with Afro-LA. Some time ago, on 16mb in the afternoon,
there was a jammer - perhaps against Libya or Libyan, I forget which - who
used this kind of programming, with African pop music non-stop. In any case,
there was nothing underneath or nearby to interfere with.
(Luca Botto Fiora-ITA, playdx yg, translated for dxld Sept 26)

NIGERIA   22 months after new TX site Abuja completion by Thales-Thomcast,
see full payment comment, below:

Antenna commission on 06 July, 2011:

The transmitting station project of the Voice of Nigeria (VON) embarked upon
about five years ago has been completed and is set for commissioning by
President Goodluck Jonathan.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Information and Communications, Mr. Labaran Maku
has tasked the organization to promote Nigeria's Foreign Policy with the
five billion Naira facility project.

Mr Maku spoke while inspecting the project at Lugbe, Abuja on his first day
of duty, having been reappointed as Minister of Information and

The Director General explained that the station consisted of a Broadcasting
House, Transmission Station and Electrical Unit.

Some of the equipment installed on the facility include three Transmitters,
two heavy duty 1000 KVA generators, one domestic generator, two fixed athena
and one rotating antenna.

Jijiwa pointed out that the rotating Antenna was designed to transmit
signals to distances which the fixed type cannot reach such as countries
like Chile and India.

B u t :  The VON Boss, said that all the equipment procured were digitally
compliant; - in his words; "the facility is yet to be officially handed over
by the contractor since full payment has  n o t  been made for the job

He noted that the Ministry of Finance had approved the payment of the next
stage of the project and that VON was in the process of paying.

Jijiwa also stated that President Jonathan had approved the procurement of
33kv high tension lines needed to power the station and that delivery would
be made in two weeks.

nice photos of the rotating antenna, and full report here

Photos taken by Bodo Fritsche, ex DL3OCH, now DF8DX / 5N7Q.


Bodo Fritsche, ex DL3OCH, now DF8DX / 5N7Q on the air via the huge antenna
on Oct 3 to 15. Operation as 5N7Q in CW and RTTY mode. QSL via DF8DX.

Bodo, DL3OCH compira presto un viaggio nel West Africa, in particolare
trasmettera da Abuja, Nigeria con il call 5N7Q nel tempo libero dopo alcuni
lavori di manutenzione in alcune stationi radio. Sara attivo dal 3 al 15
Ottobre 2011.

Qualche info in piu. Bodo lavorera da una delle piu grandi antenne
completamente rotabili per le onde corte nel mondo con oltre 20dbi di
guadagno dai 40 ai 10 metri.Un mostro! Usera solo 100 watts, infatti i
segnali non saranno un problema, sopratutto alla luce di questo picco
propagativo di questi giorni. 5N7Q sara operativo in CW e RTTY. QSL via
(Andrea Borgnino-ITA  IW0HK - HB9EMK, SW TXsite Sept 29)

NIGERIA   7275.0  Radio Nigeria Abuja is noted on very weak signal level
these days, reported only by fair signal from southern path to Brazil. Today
very weak signal, maybe on reduced TX power at present, compared to 7245
Mauritania and 7335 Tunisia at same 6-8 UT time slot.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 27)
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