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[A-DX] RE: Mittelwelle / Hamburg
- Subject: [A-DX] RE: Mittelwelle / Hamburg
- From: Roger <roger.roger@xxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2011 09:20:55 +0200
Spaßeshalber hatte ich in meinem Index von "RadioBroadcast" nach "Hamburg" gesucht. Hier ein kurzer Auszug aus einem der frühesten Dokumente:
"What happened during the International Tests?A Complete Report of the Plans, Their Progress and Success What Stations Were Qenerally Heard How Bloopers Spoiled Reception The Qreat Popularity of the Regional Broadcasting Experiment
By WILLIS K. WING ...............On this side of the Atlantic, the greatest number of broadcasting stations ever to take part in a concerted plan of this sort were on the schedule. There were the 37 Canadian broadcasting stations, some 550 American broadcasters, 16 Mexican stations, 36 Cuban broadcasters, one station in Porto Rico, one in Lima, Peru, and three in Argentina taking part. The cooperation of the Cuban stations was secured by Mr. Frank H. Jones, owner of station 6Kw at Tuinicu. The cooperation of the American broadcasting stations was practically complete with the exception of several of the California stations, notably KNX at Hollywood and KFI at Los Angeles. The operators of KFI it was announced, felt that their individuality would be greatly limited by participation in the Tests and confidently undertook to analyze the desires of all the radio listeners within range of their five kilowatts, and decided, to the tune of wide publicity, that they would remain on the air during the silent periods.............. THE BUSINESS OF VERIFICATION REPORTS "....Station OAX at Lima, Peru was heard by more listeners than any other, and that is no mean accomplishment, from the point of view of distance and can be pointed to with as much pride as the electrical bagging of a European broadcaster. Reports on English stations were few and far between, but all of the English stations participating were heard in various parts of the United States. Almost no Canadian listeners heard British broadcasters. The Madrid and Barcelona stations got through to the United States very well also. Prague, Munich, Berlin, >>>Hamburg<<<, Brussels, and Munster were also widely reported during their transmission times. Hamburg signed off in code with the letters "h a" and one faithful reporter although he did not know the Continental code, related that he heard the name of the city and the code sign, four dots, dot dash....." Quelle: "RadioBroadcast" aus dem Jahre 1926, Volume 08. ============================================================= .....RadioBroadcast 1928, Volume 13: 303 meters Nurnberg Drowned out by WGR. 306 meters 2BE Fair dance music. 312 meters 5NO Carrier wave. 326 meters 6BM Drowned out by WPCH. 345 meters EAJ I Very fine. 353 meters 5WA Fair. 361 meters 2LO Very fine dance music. 375 meters EAJ7 Fair. 380 meters Stuttgart Good. 385 meters 2ZY Good. 396 meters Hamburg Drowned out by WPAP. 405 meters 5SC Drowned out by WLIT. 428 meters Frankfurt Good. 470 meters Langenberg. Under WRC. 492 meters 5GB Under WEAF.It is unfortunate that WRC and WEAF are always on, making reception of these last two impossible.
RAYMOND M. BELL. ========================================================================= Das waren noch Zeiten..... 73+55 roger -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Diese Mail wurde ueber die A-DX Mailing-Liste gesendet. Admin: Christoph Ratzer, OE2CRM http://www.ratzer.at ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Verwendung der A-DX Meldungen fuer Hobbyzwecke ist gestattet, jede kommerzielle Verwendung bedarf der Zustimmung des A-DX Listenbetreibers.
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