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[A-DX] AIR Kalkutta und Madras um 1500 UT.

  • Subject: [A-DX] AIR Kalkutta und Madras um 1500 UT.
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2011 17:15:31 +0200

Um 1500 UT Sept 9th wegen Wartung in Lhasa sehr schön zu hören:

4819.993  AIR Calcutta in Hindi.
4920.0    AIR Madras in Hindi, subcontinental music song.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 9)

CHINA/INDIA   AIR Kolkata and AIR Chennai in the clear without Tibet QRM.
And I got the tip from Hiroshi in Japan. (73, Mauno)

Thanks to the timely tip from Mauno Ritola (Finland) that PBS Xizang (Lhasa,
Tibet) seems to currently be doing their annual transmitter maintenance,
hence they are off the air on many frequencies. I was able to hear the
following completely in the clear on September 8:

AIR Kolkata on 4820.75 at 1327 UT, but when checking again at 1415 UT found
them on their normal 4820.0 kHz.

AIR Chennai was doing well on 4920 kHz at 1320 UT. So now is the time to
catch these two without the usual Tibet QRM. Thanks again to Mauno for
pointing out this unique situation!
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, DXindia Sept 8)

PBS Xizang  from Lhasa is scheduled:
Chinese   4820 5935 6050 7240 7450 11860 11950 kHz.
Tib/Eng 4905 4920 6025 6110 6130 7255 7385 9490 9580 [?6200] kHz.
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